Render Unto Seizure: Christians Who Support Wealth Confiscation Don’t Know the Bible
Give me that old time Statist religion. If it was good enough for Marx and Castro, it’s good enough for me. I responded to an article that Nobel laureate Paul Krugman, who writes for the New York Times, wrote. Krugman has never met a tax increase he hasn’t liked. He’s

Why Subsidies are Theft
We hear that “taxation is theft,” and much of it is, but it’s also true that a subsidy is theft. The Affordable Care Act is attractive to people because it offers “subsidies” to millions of people who cannot afford healthcare. What is a subsidy? It’s someone else’s money. By the

ISIS Creates Gold and Silver Currencies to Bring Down the US
There’s not a lot to agree with about ISIS, but the organization’s call for currencies using gold and silver is the right move. “Reports have emerged indicating that the Islamic State is planning to soon circulate its own form of currency in areas under its control, and plans to issue

A Proposed Bill to Register the Sale and Purchase of ‘Precious Metals’
The Constitution mandates the paying of all debts in silver and gold. Our nation’s founders established a firm economic foundation when it made only silver and gold legal tender for our government. “No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money;

How Government Monetary Policies Hurt the Poor and Turn them Into Slaves of the State
The Constitution gives no governmental branch or independent organization (Federal Reserve System) the authority to tamper with weights and measures. The Federal government has authority “to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures” (Article 3, section 8). Article 1,

Gold Sellers Follow Government Example by Counterfeiting
There’s a story going around about gold bars that plugs of gold have been drilled out and substituted with tungsten. Why tungsten? Because tungsten has a density similar to that of gold. While a gold dealer might spot the substitution if he weighed the bars (the densities are not exact),

Does Gold Have ‘Intrinsic Value’?
Almost every conservative talk show is pushing gold and silver as a hedge against inflation, the devaluation of the dollar, and protection against uncertain economic times. Glenn Beck has been the most vocal proponent of owning gold, so much so that some liberals have called for an investigation. These are

‘Stimulus’ is Another Word for ‘Theft’
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said the following on NBC’s “Meet the Press”: “I’m talking about a jobs program of a trillion dollars or more. We’ve got to put Americans to work. That’s the only way to revitalize this economy. When people work they earn money, they spend that money, and