01 May 2020

Why Many Liberal Women’s Groups Are Sticking with Biden

Why are most liberal women’s groups and high profile Democrat women not going after Biden over the sexual assault allegation? Because Democrat politics is all about abortion. They know Biden will vote that women have the right to kill their unborn babies. If some women were sexually assaulted by him,

Gary DeMar 3 Read More
30 Nov 2017

Is There Such a Thing as ‘Sexual Assault’ in an Atheistic Evolutionary World?

Given the operating assumptions of evolution, sexual assault and rape are natural.

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
06 Mar 2017

Liberal actress Ashley Judd insults rape victims with recent political remarks

Ashley Judd is a beautiful, talented actress who made news recently when she made some very poor decisions in public.

John Livingston 0 Read More