The Top-Down Political Dominionism of Leftism and the Democrat Party
The following is from an anonymous article titled “The Retribution for Evangelicals Who Sold Their Souls to Trump Is Coming” posted on Alternet: Trump is arguably the logical culmination of some strains of right-wing evangelical Christianity in America, from the political theology of dominionism to the hermeneutics of presuppositional apologetics,

The Use of the Word ‘Mob’ to Describe Leftist Harassment is the Left’s New ‘N-Word’
Don’t you dare accuse Democrat attacks on Republicans as a “mob.” The use of the word ‘mob’ is not a reference to the mafia or organized crime, although it could be defined that way considering the criminal nature of the Democrat Party. ‘Mob’ refers to a group of people acting in unison

The Democrats Would Rather Celebrate The French Revolution Than Independence Day
What we’re seeing in the streets, confrontations in restaurants (Sarah Sanders Huckabee and EPA’s Scott Pruitt), homes (Kirstjen Nielsen), and movie theaters (Florida AG Pam Bondi), and the denouncement of free speech on college campuses are reminiscent of the political climate that resulted in the bloody, anti-Christian French Revolution. Maxine Waters

Will Democrat Rhetoric Lead to More Violent Acts?
The more Democrats talk, the more they incite their followers to unspeakable rhetorical savagery on men and women they disagree with. Some of them go so far as to make violent threats against people they disagree with. The vast majority of Democrats rarely raise a whisper against the comments of

Maxine Waters and Other Radical Democrats Use Segregation-Era Tactics Against Trump Supporters
Mixaine Waters is the patron saint of the radical left. Her congressional seat is safe. She’s a multimillionaire (net worth around $7 million) who lives in a gated community. Even so, her poor constituents love her. Because she’s balck and a woman, she’s nearly untouchable. It’s a shame that many

The Difference Between Booting Sarah Sanders From Restaurant and Not Making a Cake for Same-Sex Wedding
The Left has become a public embarrassment, more so than in past years. Everything is racist. If you voted for Trump you’re a Nazi. Following the law that was on the books during Obama’s tenure as President means that children held in detention centers while their parents are being legally

Did Laura Bush Protest the Iraq War That Led to the Death of Thousands of Children?
You knew that with Pres. Trump’s political and economic successes that anti-Trumpers, Democrats, and weak Republicans would go on the attack over separating children from their real parents and fake parents who are charged with entering the US illegally. Such separations take place when parents are arrested. Their children don’t

Leftists claim that they are the ideology of compassion, toleration, and acceptance. You can’t be compassionate with other people’s money any more than a bank robber can be compassionate with the money he stole. This week we’ve seen the further truth of the festering sore that’s Leftism. First, the death of