13 May 2019

When the Wicked Seized a City

A video is making the rounds of a Pennsylvania State Representative, a Democrat, who was mocking and harassing an elderly woman who was praying in front of a Planned Parenthood “clinic.” State Rep. Brian Sims’ viral mocking of anti-abortion activists shows the boldness of some homosexual activists. His initial video, posted

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
14 May 2017

One of the Best Mother’s Day Films: ‘I Remember Mama’

I Remember Mama (1948) is based on the memoir Mama’s Bank Account written by Kathryn Forbes. The setting is pre-WWI San Francisco. The irony of the setting should not be missed. Modern-day San Francisco is the philosophical center of familial redefinition incorporating everything from Heather Has Two Mommies and Daddy’s Roommate

Gary DeMar 0 Read More