I Was Discriminated Against Because of My Religious Beliefs And I’m OK With It
I’m a writer by occupation and vocation. I write around 20 articles each month and publish them on GaryDeMar.com. I also write books – 32 since 1982. For each title, I need a cover. Often I can find a royalty-free image from my vast collection of images. Sometimes I hire

NJ Lawmakers Vote to Discriminate Against People Who Want to Have Sex with Animals
Lawmakers in New Jersey did a discriminatory thing. I realize that for most (probably all, although there are some liberal trolls) the readers of Godfather Politics will approve of what New Jersey has done. But take note of the fact there is no moral, logical, constitutional, traditional, legal, or scientific

Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the Revival of the American Eugenics Movement
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wants to hang on as long as she can in order to preserve or ultra-liberal voice on the court. “If I resign any time this year, [President Obama] could not successfully appoint anyone I would like to see in the court. . . [A]nybody

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Was Right … Sort of
While reams have already been penned examining the implications of last week’s Hobby Lobby decision, most of what’s been written, particularly in the liberal press, has missed the point entirely. Though I’m mildly pleased that the Supreme Court is not quite ready to take gasoline to both the First Amendment

Hobby Lobby Case Shows Government is in Control No Matter the Outcome
Should business owners be forced to pay for contraceptives or pay a fine if they don’t in the new ever-changing Affordable Care Act? Wrong question. The case before the Supreme Court “will determine whether Hobby Lobby, a Christian-owned craft store chain, and Conestoga Wood Specialties, a cabinet company, can be

Justice Ginsburg Was Not All Wrong
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is being raked over the coals for her comments about the use of the U.S. Constitution in a post-Mubarak Egypt. She said the following in an interview on Egyptian television: Q: Would your honor’s advice be to get a part or other countries’ constitutions as a model,

Sharia Law Deciding American Court Cases
“Shariah Law and American Courts: An Assessment of State Appellate Court Cases,” published by the Center for Security Policy, is one of the most comprehensive studies I have ever seen. It covers more than 600 pages of material. The following summary statement is shocking: Our findings suggest that Shariah law