Al Franken, Congress, and Selective Moral Outrage
Democrats have no problem with people like Al Franken as long as people like him vote for Democrat policies.

Roy Moore, Sexual Harassment, and Telling the Truth
We have an obligation to search out the truth in the Roy Moore case.

How to Learn the 10 Commandments in 10 Minutes
Everyone talks about the Ten Commandments, but it seems that most Americans don’t know them. Atheist groups want monuments of the Ten Commandments removed from government property. Judge Roy Moore, the Republican Senate candidate for the state of Alabama, “was removed from his position as Chief Justice in November 2003

Was Roy Moore Wrong to Oppose Same-Sex Marriage Ruling by Supreme Court?
A constant attack on Judge Roy Moore, who is the Republican candidate for US Senator in Alabama, is that he violated his oath by not acquiescing to the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage. Like Martin Luther King, Moore was following a higher law and the rights afforded to the

Why Judges and Politicians Hate the Ten Commandments
A court has ruled that a Ten Commandments’ monument must be removed from the State Capitol grounds in Oklahoma and the Supreme Court “sided with a lower court that ordered a New Mexico city to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the lawn outside City Hall.” Judge Roy Moore, who

Chuck Todd Just Embarrassed Himself By Showing His Ignorance of History and the Constitution
I know Judge Moore, and I guarantee you that he knows more about the Constitution and the founding of America than Chuck Todd does.

It’s Strange that Trump Has Endorsed Luther Strange in Alabama Senate Race
When the choice was between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump for President in 2016, I supported Trump and encouraged others to do the same. At the same time, I made it clear that Trump would do things that would disappoint us, but far fewer things than Hillary. For the life

Governor Uses Bible to Deny the Bible and Our Liberty
Because of the Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage, some states are scrambling to come up with some remedial legal remedies. It’s happening in Georgia, but Republican Gov. Nathan Deal is opposing any legal protections and is trying to use the Bible to make his case. In reality, it’s money

John F. Kennedy Disagrees with Chris Cuomo about God and Our Rights
Chris Cuomo is at it again. He is claiming that our founders, the documents they penned, and the system of government they established were godless. In fact, these men were so distrustful of God and government that they kept Him out of our founding documents. Cuomo’s latest historical ignorance came

43% of Democrats Believe Obama Should Have Right to Ignore the Courts
Liberals have attacked Chief Justice Roy Moore for standing his ground against federal encroachment on the state of Alabama. Moore has made a constitutional case for his stand based on the fact that the federal constitution does not mention marriage, and what the Constitution does not mention, the courts have

Alabama Governor Says He Would ‘Never . . . Disobey a Federal Court Ruling”
Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley said on Friday, February 20th, that he would “never do anything to disobey a federal court ruling” when asked about the legal fight over same-sex marriage in the Deep South state. “We are a nation under laws,” Bentley told POLITICO. “We may not always agree with

Texas Supreme Court Halts Rogue Judges’ Same-Sex Marriage Rulings
Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore is following his state’s constitution, the action by the voters (81% of voters voted against same-sex marriage), and the legislature that also opposes same-sex marriage. Read more: “Southern Baptist Leader Says Roy Moore Should Comply with Judge’s Order or Resign.” Same-sex marriage is illegal in

Southern Baptist Leader Says Roy Moore Should Comply with Judge’s Order or Resign
Russell Moore (no relation to Roy Moore), the head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s public policy arm, as reported in the Christian Examiner, “says Alabama judges who in good conscience cannot issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, should resign instead of fighting the law while in office.” What if judges

‘Rights Don’t Come from God’ CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo Proclaims
Chris Cuomo, a Democrat operative working for the once-news channel CNN, interviewed Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore on the same-sex marriage battle. Moore, as the chief law officer of the state, who took an oath to uphold Alabama’s constitution, intervened in a single judge’s decision that same-sex marriage is constitutional.