Pres. Trump Chooses Science over Gender-Identity Politics
TIME magazine reports that “the Trump Administration is considering a policy that could effectively end federal recognition of more than a million adults who identify as a gender other than the one listed on their original birth certificate.” The title of the article? “What Could Happen If the Federal Government Redefined Gender?”
Proposed California Law Will Mean Banning the Bible
California is about to enact a law that will ban any form of speech or written material that is critical of same-sex sexuality. The following is from Robert J. Gagnon: The bill in question is California Assembly Bill 2943. It would treat as a criminal violation of the state’s consumer
Jewish Baker Slams Christian Baker over Same-Sex Cake Decision
As you know, jack Phillip’s cake-baking case has been presented to the Supreme Court. The court will decide if its constitutional for Phillips and business owners to refuse to create messages for behaviors and subjects that they disagree with. The First Amendment protects religion and speech. The case is not
There Are No Homosexuals or Transgenders
If you are going to win an argument, you must get down to the operating assumptions of what’s being argued. We first heard that homosexuals were born that way, just like heterosexuals are born with desires for those of the opposite sex. While numerous scientific studies have been done to
GOP Candidates Can’t Answer this Simple Question
Rick Santorum is the latest Republican presidential hopeful that either refuses to answer the question or can’t answer the question about whether same-sex attraction and action are innate. Scott Walker and Marco Rubio have also waffled on the issue or at least not having a good answer to the question:
Homosexual Filed $70 Million Lawsuit Against God
“Gay Man Files $70M Suit Against Bible Publishers Over ‘Homosexual’ Verses’” has been passed around the internet and Facebook seemingly as the result of the SCOTUS pro-homosexual marriage decision. The fact is, the hand-written suit was filed in 2008 “while President Bush was still in office and seven years before
Marco Rubio Seems Confused about Homosexuality
Republican 2016 presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio said Sunday that he does not believe homosexuality is a choice. He claims that it’s “something that people are born with.” He also said he believes marriage should be “between one man and one woman.” So which is it? Sen. Rubio seems to
Christian Parents With ‘Gay’ Children Challenging Churches
It’s hard to criticize Christian parents when they show a deep love for their children even when their children engage in sinful behavior. Now we’re learning that a number of Christian parents are challenging evangelical doctrine regarding homosexuality. Instead of leaving the church, these parents are calling on their churches
Contrary to Obama Constitution Does Not ‘Guarantee’ Same-Sex Marriage
In an interview with the New Yorker, President Obama said he thinks “the Equal Protection Clause [of the U.S. Constitution] does guarantee same-sex marriage in all 50 states.” He better think again. It seems that every new law that’s being imposed on us is built on the foundation of the
Confessions of an Ex-Evangelical who Supports Same-Sex Marriage
The latest story making the rounds is a letter from “a Millennial” who has had a “change-of-heart on gay rights/ssm [same-sex marriage].” There’s nothing new for me in this letter. I’ve been harping on these issues for nearly 40 years. It’s what I do. Christians disengaged from culture decades ago
How Can Chirlane McCray de Blasio be a ‘Former’ Lesbian?
NY Magazine is reporting that “Before she was married to New York City public advocate and Democratic mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio, Chirlane McCray was a lesbian. “ How is this possible? “Once gay, always gay.” Isn’t this what we’ve always heard? “I was born that way. . . Homosexuality
Once ‘Gay’ Always ‘Gay’: It’s the Law
California was the first state to pass an anti-gay therapy law. The homosexual community has pushed hard to normalize homosexual behavior. And it’s not just homosexuality that they believe is part of a person’s nature. Included in the prohibition to counsel people out of homosexual behavior are bisexuality and transgenderism