21 Sep 2015

If Obama is a Christian, then What About His Non-Christian Policies?

I’m amazed that the media and a number of GOPers are saying that President Obama is a Christian. How can he be a Christian when he supports killing unborn babies, supports homosexuality and same-sex marriage, and continues to use his high office to force religious institutions to go against their

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
16 Aug 2014

Homeschool Haters Hijack Dictionary.Com Website

For all their talk about diversity, liberals hate people who believe and act in a way that is different from liberal “values.” They hate any competing worldview they can’t control, define, and manipulate. So it’s not surprising that many liberals hate homeschooling, charter schools, vouchers, and school choice. Some countries

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
06 Mar 2014

Why Did Obama Back off from Romeike Family Homeschooling Case?

Everything Obama and Co. does is to grow the State and give it more control and power over our lives. So why would Homeland Security and later the Justice Department decide not to deport the Romeike family after pursuing the deportation order through the courts where it ended up at

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
21 Feb 2014

The Real Reason Why Obama Won’t Help Romeike Homeschool Family

Why are the Democrats and President Obama pushing so hard to legalize tens of millions of illegal aliens and at the same time want to send back the German homeschool family back to Germany to face possible imprisonment and the loss of their children? “The Romeike family, who are evangelical Christians,

Gary DeMar 0 Read More