Liberal: Global Warming is More of a Crisis than ISIS
First of all, there is no such thing as global warming unless you’re talking about the sun warming the planet every day. Yes, there is climate change. Ever since we’ve had a climate, there has been climate change. The climate changes every day, and sometimes it changes in the same
Were Obama’s ‘Crusade’ Comments Responsible for Latest Beheadings of Christians?
Fox News reported that “a video released on Sunday by militants in Libya claiming loyalty to the Islamic State terror group purports to show the mass beheading of Coptic Christian hostages. The video, which appeared on the Twitter feed of a website that supports Islamic State, depicts several men in
Obama Says Christmas Story is About Illegal Aliens
President Obama was on the road quoting the Bible again. This time he was equating Mary and Joseph to illegal aliens and strangers. Liberals love to quote the Bible when it suits them. They denounce the Bible because of its very clear stand against same-sex sexuality, but claim that it
Muslim Leader Says “Entire Earth” will be “Subordinate” to Caliphate
“Israeli Islamist Leader Kamal Khatib: Jerusalem Will Be Caliphate Capital; PA TV Cuts Interview Off,” MEMRI, October 17, 2014. The world has been fighting a war with Islam for more than a thousand years. Many school children are not taught that one of the reasons Christopher Columbus wanted to find
Faculty Members Resign as Christian University Defies Immoral Cultural Trends
Conservatives lose battles because they give into liberal demands an inch here and an inch there hoping against hope that a minor compromise won’t have a long-term impact. This is especially true in the area of education. Harvard started out as a Christian college. The following is from the “Rules
The Big Lie: Common Sense or Class Warfare?
The lies keep on coming. Someone once said that in “the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive