Doritos Supports Men Having Sex with Other Men With Rainbow Chips
Frito-Lay has joined in the promotion of same-sex sexuality with its new rainbow-colored Doritos. We saw the same thing when Burger King and the maker of Oreos chose rainbow-themed advertisements for their products. Let’s say what it is. The rainbow is being used as a fig leaf to cover up

GOP Candidates Can’t Answer this Simple Question
Rick Santorum is the latest Republican presidential hopeful that either refuses to answer the question or can’t answer the question about whether same-sex attraction and action are innate. Scott Walker and Marco Rubio have also waffled on the issue or at least not having a good answer to the question:

Rick Santorum is Not the Political Fighter We Need
Rick Santorum has thrown his hat into the presidential ring. I can’t understand how a politician has been out of a political job for nearly 10 years can all of a sudden thing he’s qualified to be president. Rick Santorum joined the Cruz Busters when the Texas Senator was trying

Racist Conservatives Pick Ted Cruz and Ben Carson in Presidential Straw Poll
Conservatives prove once again that they’re racists. Look what they just did, positive proof that Republicans and conservatives are at heart racially motivated in their political decisions. No doubt the Democrats will pull the ubiquitous race card again by making up some story about why the poll results turned out

Are Islamic Polygamous Marriages Next?
As the euphoria over homosexual marriages spread through the “gaymunity,” critics of the biologically insane relationship are predicting that polygamy will be up next on the marriage docket. Supporters of homosexual marriage blabbered on how President Obama’s decision to come out in favor of homosexual marriage put him “on the

“Prehistoric” and “Dark-Age” Pro-Life Views Destroying Republican Party?
Angelica Houston is an actress. If she does anything more than this, I don’t know about it. It seems, however, that when entertainers speak, the liberal world listens. During an interview with Rosie O’Donnell, who was filling in for Piers Morgan, Houston said the following about the contraception debate and

Why Social Issues are Important
Rick Santorum is getting hammered because of his social issues message. Critics say that he should be talking about the economy and not contraception and abortion. When a candidate gives a speech, he talks about a lot of things. Members of the media pick and choose what to concentrate on.

Satan’s Not the Problem
Dana Carvey and the ‘Church Lady’ sketches always made me laugh, especially when she referenced Satan. During a Christmas-themed December broadcast, using a magnetic spelling board, she rearranged letters spelling “Santa” to reveal “Satan.” There are a lot of serious Christians who do the same thing. Satan isn’t behind everything.

Does Rick Santorum Believe in the Nanny State?
I don’t gamble, unless you count investing in stocks gambling. I visit Las Vegas at least once each year. I’ve never put a penny in a slot machine, played Black Jack, or spun a roulette wheel. I take advantage of inexpensive hotel rooms (Mon. thru Fri.), great food, shopping, and

Don’t Lose Hope Living Under Obama (or Romney)
Conservatives are getting disillusioned. The Republican candidates are not inspiring a majority of voters. The candidates are attacking one another rather than the real target – the Marxist policies of Barack Obama. The one good thing about the wrangling is that it’s making Mitt Romney sound more conservative. He’s taking

Washington Times Gets Politically Correct
The Washington Times published an article on how homeschoolers are getting behind Rick Santorum. They’re a natural fit, at least with those interviewed. The Duggar family of TLC’s “19 Kids and Counting” is stumping for Santorum. Here’s how the article begins: If children could vote, Rick Santorum would have it

Why Did Christian Conservative Leaders Back Santorum?
Christian conservatives are a large electoral voting-block. Prior to 1976, this was not the case. The Evangelical vote was no small that there was no poll that even counted them. The 1973 pro-abortion ruling by the Supreme Court, the “born again” presidency of Jimmy Carter in 1976, and the quick

Does Rick Santorum Want a ‘Theocracy’?
The following is from Scott Whitlock who writes for News Busters: An angry Chris Matthews on Thursday denounced Rick Santorum, smearing the Republican as wanting a “theocracy” to “trump” the Constitution. The MSNBC anchor ranted about birth control after playing a clip of Santorum on “The Bill O’Reilly Show.” Any

Beware! Rick Santorum is a ‘Pro-Life Statist’
Many have been critical of Mitt Romney for his religious views. Little has been said about those of Rick Santorum. It’s rather surprising that evangelicals, most of whom are Protestants, are turning to Santorum as their “Republican flavor of the week.” How much do they know about his views? Yes,

Christian Vote Divided In Iowa
Last week I received a phone call from a long-time friend and political operative from Texas. He told me about a meeting that was taking place in Memphis. A group of evangelical leaders were meeting in order to get behind a single Republican candidate. The momentum was moving toward Newt