Should Today’s White People Pay Reparations to Black People?
The Democrat Party is calling for reparations. Some Christian Ministers are saying that if you don’t support reparations you are of the devil. Thabiti Anyabwile, pastor of Anacostia River in Washington, D.C. and a council member for The Gospel Coalition, is one of them. Here’s some of what he is saying. If my neighbor commits

The Latest Prison Reform is Not Real Prison Reform
The Senate passed prison reform. The bill had bipartisan support and the support of President Trump and was approved by the Senate in an 87-12 vote. It awaits a vote in the House. But it’s not real needed prison reform. First, it only affects the federal prison system. Second, it doesn’t

It’s Time to Reform Our Laws Regarding Property Theft
Joseph “Yellow Kid” Weil only cheated “rascals.” Like George C. Scott’s character Mordecai Jones in the film The Flim-Flam Man, Weil maintained that “You can’t cheat an honest man.” One of his devilishly simple and effective cons was to bring a dog of questionable pedigree into a bar. He would