18 Feb 2019

Christians Pushing ‘The Biblical Values of Ocasio-Cortez’s Democratic Socialism’

The folks at Sojourners have been pushing socialism in the name of Jesus and the Bible for decades. Claiming that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s economic policies are biblical is the height of absurdity. She does not know anything about economics. Her claim that a $3 billion tax break can be spent is prima facie evidence

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
23 Mar 2017

Christian Leaders want Trump to Steal More Money

Liberals love the Bible when they think they have found something in it that supports their concocted moral, social, and political theories. Even some conservatives fail to recognize that the Bible does not support an expansive tax-and-spend centralized government no matter how beneficent the cause is said to be. Hillary

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
08 Oct 2015

Ohio Gov. John Kasich Believes the Bible Supports the Welfare State

Once again we have a politician using the Bible to support a political position. This time it’s Ohio governor John Kasich, a Republican, believes the Bible can be used to support taking money from some people so it can be given to other people. He’s critical of people who oppose

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
08 Jul 2015

Jimmy Carter Admits Jesus Does Not Support Same-Sex Marriage

Former president Jimmy Carter has admitted that there is not a single verse in the gospels where Jesus approves of same-sex sexuality or same-sex marriage. “Former president Jimmy Carter said on Tuesday that he believes Jesus would approve of gay marriage, though he said that he doesn’t have ‘any verse in scripture’

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
27 Oct 2012

Misguided Christian Supports Obama

The Christian Post site is publishing articles by Christians who are making a case for Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. I can’t understand how a Christian can vote for someone who supports abortion on demand and homosexual marriage. “President Obama said Thursday [October 25,] that he is formally endorsing same-sex

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
15 Sep 2011

Obama is Like Jesus with Call to ‘Pass This Bill’ Says NPR Blogger

Liberals love to appeal to Jesus and the Bible when it suits them. Al Gore referenced the Bible at the Tennessee Democratic Party’s annual Jackson Day dinner in 2009 in support of national healthcare. “[P]laying off the focus of the [Ted] Kennedy funeral on the Gospel of Matthew’s parable of

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