Does the Bible Predict that There Will be a Future Rebuilt Temple?
Dispensational premillennialists need a future “tribulation temple” so their idea of antichrist can take his seat (2 Thess. 2:4), place a statue for people to worship (Rev. 13:14–15), and proclaim himself to be god (2 Thess. 2:4). But what the dispensationalists really need is a verse that states that there
Is Rebuilding the Temple the Next Event on the Prophetic Timeline?
The burden of proof is on rebuilt-temple advocates to come up with one verse that unequivocally states that a rebuilt temple is required to fulfill some end-time prophetic program since they admit that “There are no Bible verses that say, ‘There is going to be a third temple.’”
Are Fish in the Dead Sea an End-Time Prophetic Sign?
A 2016 story from Breaking Israel News reported to the world the discovery of freshwater ponds teeming with fish and wildlife on the shores of the Dead Sea, precisely as written in the Prophets….” The prophecy is from Ezekiel 47:9-10: It will come about that every living creature which swarms in every place
Does the Birth of a Red Cow Mean the End Is Near?
We saw in my previous article about the serpent and pigeon “sign” that it doesn’t have any biblical support. Anyone can attach end-time significance to an event when it doesn’t have a biblical reference point. For example, best-selling books by Michael Drosnin touting a “Bible Code” were popular some years