08 Oct 2019

Atheism, the Invisibility of God, and ‘Young Sheldon’

The first episode of the third season of CBS’s Young Sheldon is titled “Quirky Eggheads and Texas Snow Globes.” The show is a spinoff of The Big Bang Theory that was created by anti-Christian Chuck Lorre. In the Young Sheldon episode, Sheldon’s mother is concerned about her genius son’s mental

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
07 Jul 2018

Philippine President Duterte Says He Will Resign if Anyone Can Prove God Exists

In June of this year, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, asked, “Who is this stupid God? This son of a bitch is then really stupid? How can you rationalize a God? Do you believe?” He went on to claim that he has the freedom to make such statements. “Why do you

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
16 Jan 2018

Penn Jillette Convinces a Strawman to be an Atheist

Atheists are great at being atheists when they only talk to other atheists or construct strawman theists and show how easy it is to set them on fire. The latest example is in the premiere episode of the second season of HBO’s Crashing. A conversation develops between Penn Jillette and Pete (who appears

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
06 Jul 2017

Can Atheists Account for Morality?

If there is no God, can there be morality? I’m not asking whether atheists are moral people and do moral things. They do, but by what unimpeachable and ultimate standard? An atheist might say that certain laws are good for the advancement of the species. But let’s not forget that

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
04 Mar 2015

Chuck Todd Asks Ben Carson How Religion and Science Can Coexist

NBC’s Chuck Todd asked Dr. Ben Carson the following question: “You’re a famed neurosurgeon, the best — some say — the best pediatric neurosurgeon living in the world today. You’re a man of deep faith. Explain how science and religion, in your mind, co-exist.” Chuck Todd should be asking how

Gary DeMar 4 Read More
01 May 2012

National Day of Prayer Versus the National Day of Reason

Each year people from every walk of life, regardless of religion or political affiliation, gather for a National Day of Prayer that’s held on the first Thursday in May. Hoping to capitalize on the attention given to the National Day of Prayer, the American Humanist Association and the Secular Coalition

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
12 Feb 2012

Rome and Darwin Come to Washington

Perhaps you’ve noticed that buildings in Washington D.C., with their columns and facades, are reminiscent of Roman architecture. Interestingly, some early American political writers called themselves by Roman names. The authors of The Federalist, a collection of 85 essays written in favor of the Constitution, did not use their real

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
13 Jun 2011

Do Conservatives Need Ayn Rand?

Shortly after Congressman Paul Ryan’s appearance at the 2011 Faith and Freedom Conference in D.C., a Bible-waving protester confronted the Chairman of the House Budget Committee and questioned him for modeling his proposed budget after “the extreme ideology of Ayn Rand rather than the basic economic justice values of the

Gary DeMar 0 Read More