Would You Continue to Buy a Product That Has a 67% Failure Rate?
Billions of dollars are spent on government schools every year. The Department of Education cost taxpayers $68 billion in the fiscal year 2016. This does not count the cost of government schools at the local, county, and state levels. One would think with that much money being spent on public

Public Schools Creating Social Justice Warriors Who Can’t Read or Do Math
Reports have been stating what many people have suspected. Millions of public school children are not excelling academically. This is mostly true when it comes to reading and math, the two essential subjects for education beyond formal education. If someone can’t read well, it means that advancement in jobs that require reading

Your Child’s Best Education is Outside the Classroom
There are many times that I think back over my life and wish I had done some things differently. We all do it, and we try to pass on our successes and failures to our children. Here are a few things that I often recommend to parents with children. The