19 Dec 2014

Why President Obama and Michelle (and Every Member of Congress) Should be Seen as the Help

There’s more racial politics coming from Michelle Obama. In an interview, “Michelle Obama said a woman asked her for help getting something off a shelf at Target, describing racial experiences she’s had.” What was Michelle doing shopping in Target? It was a publicity stunt. The Clintons did stuff like this.

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
09 Jul 2012

Barack Obama is not a Real Black President

I didn’t say it. Morgan Freeman said it. In an interview with NPR to promote his latest film, The Magic of Belle Isle, the popular Oscar-winning actor said that people “conveniently forget that Barack had a mama, and she was white — very white American, Kansas, middle of America There

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
12 Jun 2012

Obama Campaign Creates Race-Based Ad

President Obama’s campaign has released a radio ad that is designed to target black voters. It’s not even subtle. “Four years ago we made history,” the narrator in the ad begins. “Now it’s time to move forward and finish what we started together. We have to show the President we have

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
24 Mar 2012

How Liberal Democrats Use Tragedies to Divide Americans and Win Elections

The killing of Trayvon Martin is tragic. I suspect, however, that few people know the whole story. This doesn’t matter to Democrats who are using the tragedy to fire up their liberal base, especially among those in the Black community. Even President Obama has gotten involved. “If I had a

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
27 Feb 2012

African Americans for Obama

Obama will be the first “post-racial president.” How many times have we heard this? Liberals throw it in our faces while they accuse the GOP and whites in general to be racists when they oppose anything President Obama proposes. Now we have this: Join African Americans for Obama On issues

Gary DeMar 4 Read More
25 Sep 2011

What if a White President Had Said This?

We were told by numerous commentators and political theorists that when a black president was elected, America would finally move beyond “racial politics.” It hasn’t happened. Two recent incidents prove it. First, popular and talented actor Morgan Freeman had this exchange with CNN commentator Piers Morgan. As you read this,

Gary DeMar 0 Read More