Pastors Are Not Being Faithful if they do not Address Politics (and everything else) From the Pulpit.
Several posts on Facebook are asking this question: Should pastors address politics from the pulpit? I don’t understand why this question keeps getting asked. If the Bible addresses politics (or anything else), then pastors must address politics and anything else the Bible addresses. It’s that simple. I became a Christian
If You Want to Know Where Democrat Policies Lead, Study the History of Indian Reservations
While I was eating lunch on Election Day 2008, I was reading an article written by Michael McVicar titled “‘First Owyhee and Then the World’: The Early Ministry of R. J. Rushdoony” that was published in the November/December 2008 issue of Faith for All of Life, a publication of the Chalcedon Foundation. As
The End of the ‘White American Majority’ is a Myth
“The U.S. Bureau of the Census has projected that America will have a ‘non-white’ majority by 2044.” (H/T: National Review) I don’t know any real white people. We are all shades of color, thus, “non-white.” White means Caucasian. That makes Hispanics “white” because they are Caucasian since their ancestors came
Federal Judge Richard Posner Declares Himself to be a God
Liberals everywhere are praising the pro-homosexual decision of Judge Richard Posner’s decision in the Wolf v. Walker same-sex marriage case. The media have been hyping the quick shift in opinion regarding same-sex marriage. In reality, the shirt is in judges who are overruling the decisions of duly elected state legislatures. These
America Has Reservation Fever
R. J. Rushdoony served as a missionary to American Indians from 1944 to 1953. Rushdoony’s observations and experiences are unique. As I’m reading his recently published book, The American Indian: A Standing Indictment Against Christianity and Statism in America, I’m coming away with a picture of where we could be
Should the Bible be Taught in Public Schools?
For some time a number of people and influential groups have been working to get the Bible and prayer reintroduced into public schools. William Jeynes, senior fellow at the Witherspoon Institute and an education professor at California State University, presented “Putting the Bible and Prayer Back in the Public Schools”
New Federal Report: If You Love Liberty You Might be a Terrorist
A report on terrorism in the United States has been published by the Department of Homeland Security. The authors of the report are Gary LaFree, professor of criminology at the University of Maryland, and Bianca Bersani, assistant professor of sociology at the University of Massachusetts-Boston. The goal of the Study
“Jesus Was a Commie” Says Movie Director Matthew Modine
“I think that you could define [Jesus] as a Utopian communist, where people would work together to solve our problems,” Modine told The Christian Post. I’m all for working together to solve our problems. But that’s not Communism. Communism is forcing people to work for the goals of the State,