Does the Bible Predict that There Will be a Future Rebuilt Temple?
Dispensational premillennialists need a future “tribulation temple” so their idea of antichrist can take his seat (2 Thess. 2:4), place a statue for people to worship (Rev. 13:14–15), and proclaim himself to be god (2 Thess. 2:4). But what the dispensationalists really need is a verse that states that there

Was Jesus a Failed Prophet?
The Bible is literature and needs to be interpreted in terms of its own standards. In fact, the word “literal” means “according to the literature.” What type of literature is being used? Modern-day prophecy writers give ammunition to sites like Black Nonbelievers, Inc. because they manipulate the plain meaning of the text in order to support their speculative failed end-time prophetic views.

Why Many Christians Completely Misunderstand Christ’s Cloud Coming
Bible prophecy is a popular subject. Who doesn’t want to know what going to happen in the future? For centuries, prophetic speculators have tried to put together a timetable of prophetic events. Libraries are filled with books by prophecy writers who had the key to unlock the timing of something

Prophetic Doomsdayers are at it Again
There are many Christians who believe and teach that the existence of certain forms of evils in the world is prime evidence that Jesus’ return must be near. For example, someone posted the following on Facebook: A *legal* online British company sells human leather products, and postmillennialists still exist. The

How One Little Word Changes Everything in the Book of Revelation. Do You Know What It Is?
Prophetic speculation is rampant. Books dealing with the end times continue to flood the market. Is America part of Bible prophecy? What about Russia? Two recent books. Let’s not forget blood moons . . . earthquakes . . . eclipses . . . hurricanes . . . wars. Probably the

If You Believe the End of the World Will Happen on Sept. 23, Sign Over All Your Assets to Me Effective Sept. 24
A few years ago I received an email from someone who made a prediction about when the end would come. I told him that if he was serious that he would sign over his assets to me effective on the day after he was sure the end would come. He