Use One Word to Defend Offensive Monuments. Call it ‘Art.’ That’s What Liberals Do.
For decades conservatives have tried to remove government funding for the arts, not because conservatives are opposed to art, but because they did not want their money going to deviant and political art. The Left has always defended deviancy, whether by visual means or comedy, by calling it ART. That’s

Liberal Elitist Says Conservatives Should Admire Elites and You’re An Idiot if You Don’t
New York Times columnist Bret Stephens wrote an article that was published on Independence Day where he described Donald Trump’s supporters as “idiots” who should “admire” elites. Of course, Stephens is one of the elites we should admire otherwise how would we know who to support if he weren’t elitist

The Rise of Gay Fascism in America Where Everybody is a Target
If you listen to the “gay” community and their accolades, Christians are the ones imposing their morality on them. But as we’re seeing, there are a whole lot of “gays” who aren’t really gay; they’re downright nasty, scary, vindictive, and dangerous. Washington: Florist Barronell Stutzman was fined by the state

Clowns and Death Threats are OK if You’re Conservative
Selective liberal outrage is the name of the game today. How many recall Alec Baldwin’s appearance on Late Night with Conan O’Brien on December 12, 1998, eight days before President Bill Clinton was to be impeached where Baldwin said, “If we were in another country … we would stone [sitting

Bacon in a Park is a ‘Hate Crime’ but Not a Crucifix in Urine
Hate crimes are beginning to stack up. But determining what constitutes a “hate crime” is in the eye of the beholder. Actually, it’s in the eye of liberals who only see criminal activity when it’s leveled at one of their protected classes. Here’s the latest insanity. While California has been

Urinating on the Dead: Marine Performance Art?
You may have heard about American soldiers who urinated on the bodies of some dead Taliban insurgents. I suspect that the dead soldiers tried to kill American soldiers. War is hell. People are killed. Bodies are mutilated, blown to bits by bombs and shrapnel, and incinerated. My father had his