It’s Time For ‘Background Checks’ on Journalists
Obama and the anti-Second Amendment crowd want more restrictions for gun buyers. The media have especially gotten behind the demand for more limits on the Second Amendment. For every new limitation that those in the media accept and promote, there needs to be an equal number of limitations on the

Liberal Gun Control Hypocrites Who Use Guns
Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg was (and probably is now) surrounded by armed guards for his protection. President Obama has the Secret Service to protect him (although they don’t seem to be doing a good job at the White House). Sports and movie stars hire bodyguards to protect them

Facebook and YouTube Promote New Kirk Cameron Film
Who would have thought that Facebook and YouTube would get behind Kirk Cameron’s new film Unstoppable? You might be saying to yourself, “That’s not what I’ve been reading. YouTube pulled the trailer for the film and Facebook had blocked fans from posting any links to the website promoting his film

The Constitution Is Not Anti-Abortion (or Pro-Abortion)
In an interview with Piers Morgan, Justice Antonin Scalia stated, “Regardless of what my views as a Catholic are, the Constitution says nothing about it . . . the Constitution, in fact, says nothing at all about the subject” of abortion. Scalia continued, “Just as the pro-choice people say the

Kirk Cameron’s MONUMENTAL: In Search of America’s National Treasure Comes to Theaters on Tuesday
Kirk Cameron’s film MONUMENTAL: In Search of America’s National Treasure Live hits theaters on Tuesday, March 27 at 7:30 p.m. ET/6:30 p.m. CT/5:30 p.m. MT/8:00 p.m. PT (tape delayed). For more information and finding a theater near you, go to www.FathomEvents.com. More than 550 movie theaters will present a live,

Get Behind Christian Conservative Kirk Cameron
If it’s one thing liberals know how to do is engage in coordinated attacks against conservatives and Christians. As soon as someone with a platform stands up and makes a statement or takes a position on a subject that is contrary to leftist ideology, the liberal attack machine goes to

What if a White President Had Said This?
We were told by numerous commentators and political theorists that when a black president was elected, America would finally move beyond “racial politics.” It hasn’t happened. Two recent incidents prove it. First, popular and talented actor Morgan Freeman had this exchange with CNN commentator Piers Morgan. As you read this,