New York Passes Law to Stop Conservative Churches from Addressing Politics
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law a state version of the federal Johnson Amendment that “bars non-profit entities like religious organizations from endorsing candidates or donating to political campaigns.” “Religious organizations” includes churches. NY State Sen. Liz Krueger had this to say about the bill: This is a

Atheists and Liberals Go Insane Over Trump’s Executive Order on Religion
President Donald Trump signed an executive order on May 4, the National Day of Prayer, “that allows churches and other religious organizations to become more active politically, according to officials.” While conservatives were hoping for more, atheists and liberal Democrats were hoping for less, except in black churches where Democrats

The Unconstitutional Law that Has Threatened and Silenced Churches for More than 60 Years
Since 1954, anti-Christian organizations have relied on an unconstitutional law to keep Christians from speaking on the topic of politics. Pres. Trump has issued an Executive Order to dampen the effects of the 1954 law. His order does not actually nullify the law since it became law by an act