17 Jun 2019

Democrat Calls for Implementation of ‘Democratic’ Socialism “By Any Means Necessary.”

Candi CdeBaca — who won a runoff election for a seat on Denver’s City Council describes herself as “a Democratic socialist.” She said, “Communism is when the government owns everything; socialism is when people have control of the distribution of ownership. People have more power.” She wants to implement socialism “by

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
29 Jun 2015

Russia Now More Christian than the United States

Russia – in the form of the Soviet Union – used to be America’s greatest enemy. Ronald Reagan called it the “Evil Empire.” “One nation under God” was added to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954 in response to “godless Communism.” The United States was different, Americans were told. We

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
28 Sep 2013

Sen. Harkin, The Civil War Was About Freeing Slaves Not Making Slaves

Democrats like Tom Harkin are comparing opposition to an increase in the power and authority of the State to the Civil War. Iowa Democrat Tom Harkin is the worst offender of the comparison. Since Democrat politics feeds off of racial politics, we all knew that sooner or later the image

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
08 May 2013

I Agree with Lauryn Hill: Taxation is Slavery

I never heard of Lauryn Hill. The fact that she’s a Grammy award-winning singer did not register with me since I don’t follow music award shows. She’s in the news now because she’s about to go to jail and pay a fine for not paying income tax: “Lauryn Hill was

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
03 Dec 2012

Liberal Compares Obama’s Push for Tax Hikes to Lincoln Wanting to End Slavery

On an NPR broadcast, E. J. Dionne and David Brooks were discussing the “fiscal cliff” that we may or may not go over. Dionne, an op-ed writer for the uber-liberal Washington Post, compared President Obama’s resolve in pushing for more taxes to Abraham Lincoln who “stood his ground on the

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
30 Nov 2012

Of Course a Majority of Americans Support Raising Taxes on Top Earners

Most of the people who were polled are not top earners, so it’s no surprise that a majority of them support raising taxes on top earners. Let’s take a poll of foxes who want to have access to the hen house? How about a poll of wolves who want to

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
11 Jun 2011

The Scourge of Unbridled Islamic Democracy

The Middle East will never be made right by force. Competing Islamic groups often gain the trust of the United States only to turn on their benefactors once their sworn Islamic enemies are vanquished with the help of the US military. It happened when our embassy in Iraq was overrun

Gary DeMar 0 Read More