27 Dec 2014

Anti-Christian Physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson Shows Ignorance of History and a Whole Lot More

Neil deGrasse Tyson is the new front man for the Cosmos TV series which is more about scientific speculation than scientific fact. It seems that the speculative nature of the series is spilling over into the areas of history and religion. In a recent tweet on December 25th, Tyson wrote:

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
25 Nov 2014

Teacher Tells Child Her Mother is Not Her Teacher

The following story is getting some traction. I suspect there are other stories like this about which parents never hear a thing. They don’t know what their children are being taught or what they’re not being taught. “Cassidy Vines recently began noticing a change in her daughter’s behavior. The kindergartener began

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
13 Oct 2014

Using Christopher Columbus as a Politically Correct Hammer

Each October, Christopher Columbus is hammered for his voyages of exploitation of native peoples and supported for proving the earth was round instead of flat. (More about the flat earth claim below). For example, Seattle, Washington, has designated “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” to replace the every-federal-government-worker-gets-the-day-off -with-pay-while-the-rest-of-us-don’t Columbus Day paid holiday.

Gary DeMar 0 Read More