Media Show Their Ignorance Over Prayer Meeting with Trump at the White House
The media once again went off the rails when they found out that a group of pastors and Christian leaders prayed with and for Pres. Trump at the White House. Here’s what Erin Burnett of CNN said of the impromptu prayer meeting: “Pretty stunning image, I mean, I’ll give you

Today’s Judges Are Dangerous for One Specific Reason
Some time ago I was watching the film The Magnificent Yankee (1950), a film about Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. Early in the film, Holmes is introduced to the first of his law-school graduate secretaries played by Jimmy Lydon, best known for his role as Henry Aldrich in the film

Liberals that Hate Christianity and Politics Today Would Have Hated Many of our Nation’s Founders
Horror author Stephen King said that Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is “very scary” because he “is a fundamentalist Christian.” He went on to say in an interview with the Daily Beast: “He’s very scary. I actually think Trump, in the end, would be more electable than Cruz because Cruz

“Does the Bible have Authority Over the Constitution?,” Ben Carson is Asked
Dr. Ben Carson was asked by NBC’s Chuck Todd a question from a Facebook poster named Victor Roush, “Does the Bible have authority over the constitution?” It was posed as a “simple question.” Here is what Dr. Carson said: “That is not a simple question by any stretch of the imagination.

The Tyranny of Law in America and the Subversion of History
There’s not a lot to celebrate this July 4th. Our founding institutions have been corrupted and subverted, and it didn’t begin when the Supreme Court ruled that states must sanction the perversion of something called “same-sex marriage.” When Supreme Court Justice Charles Evan Hughes declared, “We are under a Constitution,

Radical Islam is a Bigger Problem than Vladimir Putin
The Russian and Ukrainian conflict is a mess, but it’s not our problem, at least not yet. When this conflict becomes a direct threat to the United States, then we need to act in a judicious manner. But now is not the time for a show of military force or

The Bible and the Constitution
Christians are often accused of wanting to replace the Constitution with the Bible. There could be someone out there who might have said this. If you hunt long enough, you can always find a sound-bite from a no-name character to make your already concluded case. The charge sets up a

John Quincy Adams Records D.C. Earthquake in 1828
The earthquake that hit Washington, D.C. will undoubtedly lead prophetic speculators to conclude that we are nearing the end of all things. There’s nothing new in these types of prognostications. For decades, modern-day prophecy writers have been claiming that the increase and severity of earthquakes are sure indicators that we’re