Two Political Funerals of Senators that Have Exposed the Depth and Stench of the Swamp
It was Oct. 29, 2002. The Williams Arena “was filled to overflowing for the memorial service paying tribute to [Paul] Wellstone and the others who died — his wife, Sheila Wellstone, his daughter, Marcia Wellstone, aides Will McLaughlin and Tom Lapic, family friend Mary McEvoy and the two pilots, Richard Conry

Are Evangelicals Confusing the Gospel with Christian Nationalism?
Many Christians refuse to get involved in politics for any number of reasons. Here are some of them: Jesus didn’t get involved in politics. God’s kingdom is not of this world. We’re to render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s. We’re living in the last days. We’re just to preach the

Did Laura Bush Protest the Iraq War That Led to the Death of Thousands of Children?
You knew that with Pres. Trump’s political and economic successes that anti-Trumpers, Democrats, and weak Republicans would go on the attack over separating children from their real parents and fake parents who are charged with entering the US illegally. Such separations take place when parents are arrested. Their children don’t

John McCain Finally Admits the Truth
John McCain, described as a “maverick” by the Left, has a new book coming out. He says “that his battle with brain cancer has given him a sense of liberation to vote and speak his mind.” What? I wouldn’t wish brain cancer on anyone. It’s not the way I would want to

Will the GOP Use Hurricane Harvey as an Excuse Not to Support Trump’s Tax Cutting Agenda?
Those of you familiar with classic films might remember a Jimmy Stewart classic, Harvey. The 1950 film tells the story of Elwood P. Dowd whose best friend is a pooka named Harvey. Harvey is a six-foot, three-and-a-half-inch tall invisible rabbit. As part of Celtic folklore, a pooka could bring both “good and bad

It Seems The Brains of these Three GOP Senators Have Transitioned into Insanity Over Transgenderism
There is no such thing as transgenderism. It’s a mental disorder. If a person must lop off his penis and take hormones to transition into a woman, there is something mentally wrong with that person.

It’s Time for Trump to Fire Everyone and Start Over
I don’t understand why Trump didn’t get rid of every holdover from the Obama administration. I would have fired everyone and started from scratch. Trump’s 2016 win shook the establishment to its core. for the first time in a long time, the Democrats and Republicans are on the same side:

Why the GOP Establishment is Beginning to Like Trump and Hates Cruz
The GOP Establishment believed Jeb Bush was their guy. The two earlier Bush Presidents grew the government. There was no reason that a third Bush wouldn’t do the same. Sen. Ted Cruz was not the Establishment’s pick. He would not help them fund their pet projects. When you have Bob

Ted Cruz, the Natural Born Citizenship Debate, and Political Payback
I saw an article with this title: “6 Things Ted Cruz Wants You to Forget.” The first one is “He wants you to forget he was born in Canada.” I’m sure there are lots of people who know he was born in Canada to an American mother and some people

One More Reason to Vote for Cruz: John McCain Doesn’t Like Him
John McCain had his chance. He ran for President and lost. Most conservatives held their nose and voted for him because the alternative was too horrible to contemplate. President Obama has lived up to the horror. McCain would have been better, but he still would have frustrated the hell out

John McCain Using Obama Donors to Purge Arizona Tea Party
John McCain has got to go. He’s up for reelection in 2016. The Tea Party needs to begin the process of ridding this political pariah from office. He’s a menace to good government and constitutional fidelity. McCain’s latest deed of political maleficence is working behind the scenes to lead a

How I’m Preparing if ISIS Comes to America
“For us, we believe that this generation of children is the generation of the Caliphate,” one ISIS fighter tells the camera. “God willing, this generation will fight infidels and apostates, the Americans and their allies, God willing. The right doctrine has been implanted in these children. All of them love

My 60-Year-Old Document Shows VA Used Civilian Hospitals
Nearly everybody is up in arms over the VA scandal. As usual, President Obama voiced his outrage and moved on. To show that he cares, he visited the troops in Afghanistan. He’s had six years to fix what he claimed in 2008 needed to be fixed. The fact that “he

John McCain wants Ted Cruz to Apologize to Bob Dole for Telling the Truth
In a previous article, I wrote that you never apologize if you didn’t do anything wrong. I will add to that, especially when someone uses guilt manipulation and emotional argumentation, an appeal to pity, if you will. The latest show of Republican weakness and guilt manipulation is coming from Republican

“Anti-Crist” Ted Cruz Takes on Political Establishment in Gridiron Event Speech
No, that’s not a misspelling. “Anti-Crist” is Ted Cruz’s description of himself. Brilliant. He called himself the “Anti-Crist” at the annual Gridiron Club event. Politico‘s Mike Allen said that Ted Cruz, “crushed his speech – even Dems said he knocked it out of the park.” We need more “anti-Crists” like Ted Cruz

ENDA Will Put Companies Out of Business and Breed Lawsuits
Being a business owner today is a hazard. There are so many laws and restrictions that it’s getting more difficult to stay in business. There’s a new law coming down the pike — the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) — that’s going to have unforeseen consequences. ENDA is being pushed as

Hey Meghan McCain: We’re Frustrated and Depressed Because of Your Dad
Meghan McCain, the daughter of Republican Senator John McCain, said in an interview with ABC and Yahoo News that her father “was ‘frustrated’ and ‘depressed’ by the Tea Party.” Meghan described the Tea Party as the ‘hyper-conservative wing” of the Republican Party. John McCain’s daughter went on to say: “He

Let’s Begin Now to Replace GOP Leadership in the 2014 Election
Now is the time to begin a strategy to replace the GOP leadership in the House of Representatives in the 2014 election. This will mean finding good, viable candidates. They need to start campaigning in the next few weeks. They need to be people who can handle themselves in the