26 Feb 2019

When Democrats Believed in Tax Cuts for Everyone

There was a time when Democrats believed in tax cuts. Unfortunately, like many Republicans and most Democrats, there are still too many taxes, too much spending, and ever-expanding governmental control and overreach. Since the time of JFK’s presidency, the growth of government has been staggering with new departments siphoning off more

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
03 Jul 2015

Cuban Embargo Helped Those it was Intended to Hurt and Hurt Those it was Intended to Help

In the sequel to the film The Godfather, Michael Corleone travels to Cuba during the pre-Castro, pre-Cuban embargo days to finalize some “business” deals with Hyman Roth(stein). “All reports were enthusiastically optimistic,” Doug Casey writes, “but he begged off after witnessing a street fight in which one of Castro’s rebels didn’t

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
25 Mar 2015

Liberal Reporter Proves High Priced College Education Makes People Ignorant

I’ve never understood why parents spend nearly $100,000 to send their children to high-priced universities. The best and brightest of these graduates have screwed up our nation, and yet there are tens of millions of Americans who believe that graduates from these over-priced and under-delivering schools will somehow save us.

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
05 Mar 2015

John F. Kennedy Disagrees with Chris Cuomo about God and Our Rights

Chris Cuomo is at it again. He is claiming that our founders, the documents they penned, and the system of government they established were godless. In fact, these men were so distrustful of God and government that they kept Him out of our founding documents. Cuomo’s latest historical ignorance came

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
21 Feb 2015

Carnival Cruise Ad Pushes Evolution by Claiming We “Came from the Sea”

Carnival Cruise line tried to make a bizarre connection between humans having evolved from the sea to taking a cruise with the tag line “back to the sea.” The company featured a 60-second ad during the Super Bowl promoting its cruise line that makes use of a speech given by

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
14 Nov 2014

Will Going Further Left With Socialist Elizabeth Warren Kill the Democrat Party?

You’ve got to hand it to the Democrats. They don’t compromise. Instead of moving to the middle after being stomped on in the latest election, they are embracing the far, far Left. That’s where their real activist base is found. While many in the GOP are running away from their

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
27 Aug 2013

Miley Cyrus and When Perversion Was Done Behind Closed Doors

Miley Cyrus is getting the attention she wanted. No one doubts that people do perverted things. Since time immemorial sinners and saints alike have done in private that they would not dare do in public. People think before they speak, hold back anger when they would like to retaliate, and

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
29 Nov 2012

Have We Reached the Cultural, Moral, and Political Tipping Point of No Return?

In the 1980s, I wrote a three-volume book series titled God and Government. It has sold nearly 250,000 copies. A better title would have been God and Governments (plural) since the series attempted to show that in biblical and historical terms there are three governments — family, church, and civil.

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
16 Jun 2012

Does Mitt Romney’s Religion Matter?

If Mitt Romney is elected president, he will be the first Mormon to do so. He will follow in the footsteps of John F. Kennedy who was the first Roman Catholic president to be elected. As with Kennedy, Romney’s religious beliefs are being questioned and scrutinized. Many Evangelical Christians will

Gary DeMar 0 Read More