Rome and Darwin Come to Washington
Perhaps you’ve noticed that buildings in Washington D.C., with their columns and facades, are reminiscent of Roman architecture. Interestingly, some early American political writers called themselves by Roman names. The authors of The Federalist, a collection of 85 essays written in favor of the Constitution, did not use their real
Radio Host Thom Hartmann Calls Capitalism a ‘Cancer’
Thom Hartmann is the host of the nationally-syndicated radio show The Thom Hartmann Program. He is a liberal with a background in business. It’s important to note that he’s made a lot of money in his life, so much in fact that he has been able to retire at an
Tracking Down Bogus History
Sloppy scholarship plays a role in fractured historical accounts as one writer quotes another writer without realizing that the first writer never based his study on original source documents for support of his historical claims. The quotation or referenced event is repeated so often by so many in any number
Politicians are Crooked (and so are we)
“Politics as usual” is a familiar refrain heard during an election year. It simply means that people expect politicians to act in their own best interests and contrary to the oath they took to protect and defend the Constitution. There is nothing new in this. But because of America’s unique
“The Tenth Amendment is a Bunch of Baloney”
MSNBC’s David Shuster insists the “general welfare” clause in Article 1 of the Constitution “unambiguously authorizes” social welfare spending like “social security, Medicare, veterans’ care, etc.” Yeah, right. This is the same guy who claims “the Tenth Amendment is a bunch of baloney.” You can hear Shuster’s constitutional expertise here.
The Thief-in-Chief
President Obama is calling for more tax hikes for the “rich.” This is the same president who took an oath to uphold the Constitution. While President Obama might be envious of the rich and despise the rich, he has no constitutional authority to rob the rich. If he wants to
The Scourge of Unbridled Islamic Democracy
The Middle East will never be made right by force. Competing Islamic groups often gain the trust of the United States only to turn on their benefactors once their sworn Islamic enemies are vanquished with the help of the US military. It happened when our embassy in Iraq was overrun