Colorado Harasses and Persecutes Baker For Not Making a Cake to Celebrate Sexual Transition
Christian baker Jack Phillips was sued by Colorado’s Civil Rights Commission for not making a cake for a same-sex wedding. For his refusal, he was fined $135,000. His case was ruled on by the Supreme Court. In a 7-2 decision, the court ruled, on narrow grounds, that the “commission did

Billboard Bans Bible
“Billboards showing Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest America holding a Bible were removed from a popular outdoor mall in Southern California after numerous complaints.” The billboard was advertising Laurie’s upcoming SoCal Harvest event that draws crowds in the thousands to Angel Stadium August 17-19. This Christian ministry event has been held for

The Difference Between Booting Sarah Sanders From Restaurant and Not Making a Cake for Same-Sex Wedding
The Left has become a public embarrassment, more so than in past years. Everything is racist. If you voted for Trump you’re a Nazi. Following the law that was on the books during Obama’s tenure as President means that children held in detention centers while their parents are being legally

Law Professor Doesn’t Understand the Constitution or Artistic Liberty
The recent Supreme Court Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission decision has many Leftists worried and saying absurd things: A Columbia University professor recently claimed that conservatives’ belief in “natural law” is leading to a “radical theocratization of the Constitution.” Professor of Law, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Katherine Franke, who

Denver Church Sign Says, ‘Jesus Would Have Baked That Cake.’
Don’t think that every minister of a church knows what God’s Word says on a topic and how to rightly interpret what it says. There are numerous “false shepherds” (Ezek. 34) among our nation’s churches. The apostle Paul warned the elders in Ephesus about them: I know that after my

NY Governor’s Live-In Girlfriend Denounces Supreme Court “Gay Cake” Decision
Sandra Lee, Food Network star and live-in girlfriend of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo used to social media to declare her displeasure with the 7-2 Supreme Court ruling on the controversial Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission decision. Her support for same-sex marriage is curious since she’s not married

Jewish Baker Slams Christian Baker over Same-Sex Cake Decision
As you know, jack Phillip’s cake-baking case has been presented to the Supreme Court. The court will decide if its constitutional for Phillips and business owners to refuse to create messages for behaviors and subjects that they disagree with. The First Amendment protects religion and speech. The case is not

I Was Discriminated Against Because of My Religious Beliefs And I’m OK With It
I’m a writer by occupation and vocation. I write around 20 articles each month and publish them on GaryDeMar.com. I also write books – 32 since 1982. For each title, I need a cover. Often I can find a royalty-free image from my vast collection of images. Sometimes I hire

Man Marries Laptop and Sues Baker Who Won’t Make Him a Cake
Not catering to marriage claims of same-sex couples are creating a legal and financial nightmare for people whose religious beliefs are getting in the way of forced compliance to evolving social causes that carry the force of law and heavy penalties for non-compliance. Here’s the latest: Chris Sevier says that if

No, Joy Behar, Jesus Would Not Have Baked the Homosexual Wedding Cake
If the Supreme Court does not rule in favor of Phillips and others who have been persecuted by compromised governments and courts, then no one will be free. There’s always someone out there who will make a cake, print a t-shirt, or provide flowers for silly, idiotic, and immoral practices. A baker should be free to refuse to bake a cake for any reason, and the person being refused should be free to go elsewhere. It’s that simple and right.

Muslim Drivers Get Religious Freedom but Not Christian Bakers
The following is from the Live Trucking website: “Two Muslim truck drivers who refused to transport alcohol were recently awarded $240,000 by an Illinois judge, according to a press release by the EEOC. “Truck drivers Mahad Abass Mohammed and Abdkiarim Hassan Bulshale were fired from Illinois-based Star Transport back in

Government Panel Rules that Baker Must become a Slave
What’s a simple definition of slavery?: “submission to a dominating influence.” If a person is forced to do work against his will, then that person is a slave. Slavery has returned to the United States, this time in the state of Colorado: “Colorado’s Civil Rights Commission on Friday ordered a

Attack on Phil Robertson is an ‘Attack on All of Us’
By now you know what Phil Robertson said about sin – same-sex sinful behavior and other sins. You may not know that he did not say anything about a group of people who designate themselves as “gay.” The Bible’s prohibition of same-sex sex applies to everybody. Hopefully you knew that

People Fight Back when Judge Rules Against Cake Chef Jack Phillips
Homosexual bullying and judicial tyranny may have reached a tipping point as hundreds of people turned out to support Jack Phillips who was told by an administrative law judge with the Colorado Civil Rights Commission that he had to make a cake for a homosexual couple or be fined or