Scrubbing America’s Christian History
The exclusion of one God opens the door for the inclusion of another God. There is no such thing as religious neutrality. In the end, there will be a sovereign. That sovereign could show itself in the One State or the many individuals. The philosophy of Georg F. W. Hegel

Trigger Warning: George Washington Thanked God for the Constitution
I know. Leftists will say, “What do you expect from a patriarchal white male?” For years secularists and atheists have dismissed the Constitution as a secular document because it doesn’t specifically mention God like the Articles of Confederation (“the Great Governor of the World”) and the state Constitutions. In fact, even

‘Religiously Unaffiliated’ Arizona Senator Takes Oath on State and US Constitutions that Mention God and Jesus
The following is from CBS News: Kyrsten Sinema chose not to hold the traditional Bible when she was sworn in Thursday as a U.S. senator from Arizona. Instead, she held a copy of the Constitution. A spokesperson for the first-term Democrat said she chose to use a book from the Library

Nursing Student Stands Up to Anti-Christian Bullies
It’s easy to give him. Most people don’t like to fight. But there comes a time when fighting is the right thing to do. If a person gives into a bully, the bully will only revert to more bullying. There are two ways to fight a bully. Become strong yourself

Chuck Todd Just Embarrassed Himself By Showing His Ignorance of History and the Constitution
I know Judge Moore, and I guarantee you that he knows more about the Constitution and the founding of America than Chuck Todd does.

Judge Puts Atheist in His Place Over “Under God” in Pledge of Allegiance
It seems that not all judges are whacked. Some judges, although few and far between, actually know some American history, logic, and the Constitution. Almost like clockwork, an atheist high school student, with support from an atheist group, filed a law suit last year against the Matawan-Aberdeen school district in

North Carolina Judge Rules Against State’s Religious and Constitutional History
“A federal judge in North Carolina has ruled that commissioners in one local county can’t present prayers only in Jesus’ name even if they all are Christians because doing so isn’t ‘nondiscriminatory’ toward other religions and elevates Christianity in government.” If this is true, then the United States Constitution as

Texas Official Adds ‘In God We Trust’ and all Hell Breaks Loose
Even though our nation’s motto is ‘In God We Trust,’ Tarrant County tax assessor and collector Ron Wright is being attacked for violating the made up constitutional provision of separating church and state for adding the phrase to his office’s envelopes and tax statements. The ironic part of all of

County Commissioner Will Take Jail Over Being Denied Her Religious Rights
Judges are stepping in where they have no jurisdiction, no constitutional backing, no understanding of the limits of the federal government in relation to the states, and almost no knowledge of American history. “A Carroll County [Maryland] commissioner said she was ‘willing to go to jail’ opening up a board

Atheist Organization Attacks Governor Scott Walker for Bible Tweet
Whatever happened to “freedom OF religion”? According to the Freedom FROM Religion Foundation (FFRF), it does not exist. The latest anti-God tyranny concerns a Twitter post by Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin. Here it is. Get ready. It’s ominous. It’s devastating. — “Philippians 4:13.” That’s it. Gov. Walker didn’t even

Atheist Group Doesn’t Want You to See that Churches Exist
Atheists want to erase history, deny freedom of expression, and reject the original meaning of the First Amendment. The latest publicity stunt was made by the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), a Madison, Wisconsin-based atheist and agnostic group that intimidates anyone who holds to religious beliefs and municipalities that even

“Keep Christ in Christmas” Brings Out the Haters
There, I can use the “hate” word, too. Every time a conservative objects to some Liberal practice or policy, he’s described as a “hater” or using “hate speech.” Well, back at you! The latest hate-fest is taking place in Pitman, New Jersey. People are taking sides over a banner that

Is It Constitutional to Pray in ‘Jesus’ Name’?
Commissioners from Forsyth County in North Carolina appeared before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit to appeal a District Court’s decision to bar commissioners from opening public meetings with prayers prayed in Jesus’ name. The ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State argued (naturally)