Running, Jumping, and Climbing Robots Prove Something-From-Nothing Evolution is Not Science
Boston Dynamics has released two videos that show robots “autonomously navigating through different terrains, including an office and a lab, and jogging in a grass field.” It’s freaky and creepy. The new Terminator-like robot will give you the willies. How would you stop this thing once it’s been programmed to

Killer Robots Will Destroy Us Scientist Warns
There’s one more thing to worry about. It’s not enough that we have to worry about ISIS, Democrats, Establishment Republicans, and same-sexers wanting to force us to accept their immoral and irrational lifestyle or face the loss of employment, now we have to concern ourselves with killer robots. “Killer robots

Femitheist Wants to Reduce the Male Population by 90% “For Peace”
Liberals say the craziest things and get away with it. Those whose mother’s milk is a form of pure reason can be some of the most unreasonable people you will find. Their rationalism (not rationality) has turned to irrationalism while the whole time masquerading as the most pure form of

Drones in Every Country on Earth: Who Will Program Them?
There’s a new report out that claims that “virtually every country on Earth will beable to build or acquire drones capable of firing missiles within the next ten years. Armed aerial drones will be used for targeted killings, terrorism and the government suppression of civil unrest. What’s worse, say experts,

Sheila Jackson Lee: Obama’s a Liberal Dictator So Executive Orders are OK
Getting back to the Constitution is no longer an option for most politicians. They use it as a prop. Sure, they take an oath before God to uphold it and vote and terms of its limitations, but for them, God is a myth. Sheila Jackson Lee is the worst offender,

Drones as Watchbirds: Your Business is the Government’s Business
Drones seem like a good idea until you start thinking about the implications of them over time. No government program ever gets smaller. There are cameras everywhere. At the present time, weapons are not attached to them. Even so, someone is always watching. The film I, Robot (2004), based on

Liberalism is Designed to Enslave Us by Claiming to Save Us from Ourselves
As I was channel surfing the other day and came across the film I, Robot (2004). I’ve seen the film at least ten times. It’s a marvelous commentary on the evils of political paternalism. One of my favorite scenes is when V.I.K.I., the super computer that runs every other computer