Did Mitt Romney Declare Mormonism to be an “Unfit” Religion?
Mitt Romney is a faithful Mormon, a religion founded by Joseph Smith. Not only is the theology of Mormonism suspect and cultish, but it has some very big sexual abnormalities in its historical closet.

Is Rubio the New GOP Establishment Candidate?
Democrats and the GOP Establishment have lost control of the political process. They can’t count on the mainstream media to do their bidding because of the rise of alternative media. There’s also the problem of conservative Republicans pushing back, not apologizing for their views, and not being able to control

Harry Reid Was Against Anchor Babies (Before He was For Them)
Isn’t the internet great? People find some of the most interesting bits and pieces of information going back decades. There is no way to hide from eager pursuers of the truth. You never know what they’re going to find. Dredging up political speeches is a lot of fun. The latest

John Boehner Supports Foreign Power While Dismissing Own Party
So John Boehner defied President Obama and brought Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in to speak to Congress and the world. The same day this happened, John Boehner and a group of 75 Republicans joined with the all the Democrats to fund an unconstitutional action by President Obama. “The House

We Didn’t Elect You to Work With the Democrats
Tom Hank’s character, playing Captain John H. Miller, in Saving Private Ryan tells the rescued soldier, “Earn this.” It’s a moving an emotional unexpected scene. Lives were lost to save one man. From this point on, what will he do with this life as others have given their lives for him.

Harry Reid’s Anti-Illegal Alien Video Surfaces
Is this Harry Reid’s long-lost twin in this 1993 video? (see below) Was Harry Reid replaced by a pod duplicate like what happened to the folks in the fictional town of Santa Mira, California, as portrayed in the 1956 film Invasion of the Body Snatchers? No, this is the real

Harry Reid Keeps his Billionaire Donors a Secret by Attacking Koch Brothers
For the past several weeks Senate majority leader “Dirty” Harry Reid has been trying to tell the “truth” about the Unaffordable Care Act, or Obamacare. I say trying because Reid wouldn’t know the truth if he passed it on the street. Of course we’ve now heard his truth telling on

“Anti-Crist” Ted Cruz Takes on Political Establishment in Gridiron Event Speech
No, that’s not a misspelling. “Anti-Crist” is Ted Cruz’s description of himself. Brilliant. He called himself the “Anti-Crist” at the annual Gridiron Club event. Politico‘s Mike Allen said that Ted Cruz, “crushed his speech – even Dems said he knocked it out of the park.” We need more “anti-Crists” like Ted Cruz

Harry Reid Must Have Been High on Coke During His Koch Brothers Rant
Harry Reid (D-NV) took to the Senate floor to denounce the Koch Brothers. He claimed that Republicans are “high on Koch” claiming falsely (naturally) that the only big political donors come from conservatives. A list put out by OpenSecrets.org has a list of the 156 “Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2014.” The

Because of Fraud Supreme Court Should Declare ObamaCare Null and Void
Fraud is a crime. Companies have been sued for fraudulently making claims for its products. For example, the maker of the popular super-sweet chocolate-hazelnut spread Nutella was sued for making health claims for its product: “NPR reported last year that California mom Athena Hohenberg proposed a class-action suit against Ferrero

Harry Reid Claims Everybody is Willing to Pay More Taxes
Harry Reid is saying stupid things again. His latest crank statement is that “Everybody” is “willing to pay more” taxes. Well, I’m one of the “everybody,” and I’m not willing to pay more taxes. In what I paid last year in Federal taxes I could have hired two people. I’ve

George Zimmerman Should Sue, Sue, Sue
George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin in self defense. That’s what a six-woman jury determined. Racial politics forced this trial. If you’ve been following the case, you know the story. Here’s a short lesson for all of us to remember: “The first to plead his case seems right, “Until another comes

The NRA Got Harry Reid Re-Elected
There was a good chance of getting rid of Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) in 2010 until Wayne LaPierre of the NRA descended on Nevada and endorsed the liberal stalwart. Reid used a lot of tax-payer money to build a state-of-the-art gun range in Nevada, the Clark County Shooting Park. Why

Politicians Get Religion as Election Draws Near
If there was one thing Jesus despised more than anything else it was hypocrisy. “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you shut off the kingdom of heaven from people; for you do not enter in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in.

Dingy Harry vs Dirty Harry
Harry Reid is a political bully. His latest abuse of power was speaking in the well of the Senate and accusing Mitt Romney of not paying any taxes for ten years. Did he offer any evidence? No. He’s a Democrat. He doesn’t need evidence. Even some in the media have

Mitt Romney, Tax Returns, Liberal Hypocrisy, and the Politics of Envy
What Mitt Romney paid or did not pay in taxes is none of our business. He’s been filing with the IRS for more than 40 years. If he was doing something illegal, he would have been caught a long time ago. Carl Bernstein, co-author of All the President’s Men, asked

Harry Reid Wants 90 Unconstitutional Nominees Appointed
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says he’s going to recommend the White House make recess appointments of 90 nominees if the Republicans don’t cooperate with him on confirmation through the Senate’s constitutional “advice and consent” requirement. [The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the

Why the Government Must Control the Internet
It wasn’t too long ago that that we had three sources of national news: ABC, CBS, and NBC. Print media were limited to the daily newspaper and national news magazines like Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News & World Report. No more. The media gatekeepers are few and far between today.