Ignorance of Socialism is No Excuse
Socialism is all the rage, but few people really know what it is and how it doesn’t work over the long haul. This is especially true of Millennials. “These days, if you hear people spouting the benefits of socialism, don’t assume that they’re talking about the socialism you probably loathe.
Is the Bible the Original ‘Communist Manifesto’?
Communism is in vogue. “A new survey released by the Washington, D.C., nonprofit Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation reflects that, if the younger generation gets out and votes in 2020, those running for office on the far left have reason to be hopeful.” This finding is based on “historical amnesia.”
Some Things the Bible Says About Immigration
Liberals and conservatives are using the Bible to defend their versions of immigration. I’m glad the Left is using the Bible. It’s too bad they don’t appeal to the Bible on issues like abortion and same-sex sexuality. While we can derive moral principles related to how to treat people who
Are Tax Cuts Anti-Christian and Murderous?
Liberal Christians believe that tax cuts are sinful.
Millennials Believe Socialism is the Best Form of Government (Your Tax Dollars at Work)
Socialism has been chosen by millennials as the best form of government.