‘Abortion Barbie’ Wendy Davis Caught in Series of Lies
“Abortion Barbie” Wendy Davis, the liberal darling of the pro-abortion set and the new celebrity icon of the Girl Scouts, has been caught in a number of lies about her background. Davis, a Texas state senator who is running for governor and is touted as “a rising Democratic star,” came

Liberals Need Amnesty Because Abortion is Killing Their Base
There’s a general world-wide birth dearth. European nations are not able to replenish their population. Birth rates are down and abortion rates are up. Even Israel has gotten into financing its own destruction by paying for abortions. As I mentioned in a previous article, the Jews are doing what Hitler

Thank God British Girl ‘Scouts’ Dumping God
Finally . . . some truth comes out from the radical secularists in youth organizations. The British version of the Girl Scouts — Great Britain’s Girl Guides — has removed the promise to “love God” from the loyalty oath. Now parents and young girls have been warned. Enter at your

The Girl Scout Propaganda Machine
It’s not enough that children are brainwashed in government schools. Now parents have to keep a watchful eye on private organizations that once had a reputation for upholding American Values. Unlike the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts of the USA accepts homosexuals and allows its members to substitute another word in