Nazi Tactics Being Used Against American Churches
In a previous article, I reported on how the IRS has teamed up with the anti-Christian organization the Freedom from Religion Foundation to monitor churches to make sure they don’t speak out on the subject of politics in a way that seems to be “partisan.” As I showed, there is
Procrastination, Pessimism, and Indifference Kill: A Lesson from Leonore Goldschmidt
One of my worst sins is procrastination. My wife and I are direct opposites in this area. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her procrastinate. She makes me really look bad. As a previous article of mine states, I’m a short-term pessimist but a long-term optimist. In this way, I’m
Gestapo Tactics used Against Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker
The Gestapo is alive and well in America masquerading as an opposition political party against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and his conservative supporters. When liberals can’t win elections, they find a surreptitious “legal” way to stop the opposition. Here’s how Joe Schoffstall reports the story at Capitol City Project: “In
Should Questioning and Challenging the President be Illegal?
Chris Matthews of MSNBC made a statement about how President Obama should have been treated by presidential challenger Mitt Romney in their second debate. It was the fact that Gov. Romney actually challenged the President that led Matthews to go Gestapo on him: “I don’t think he understands the Constitution
Americans United for Separation of Church and State Uses Gestapo Tactics against Priest Who Criticized President Obama’s Policies
The Washington-based Americans United for Separation of Church and State claimed that the homily that Bishop Daniel Jenky of Peoria, Ill., gave in November of last year violated federal law. Here’s some of what Bishop Jenky said: “Hitler and Stalin, at their better moments, would just barely tolerate some churches
Gestapo Tactics against American Churches
In a previous article on GodfatherPolitics, I pointed out that leftist groups are attacking churches that address social issues that are near and dear to liberals. These groups monitor broadcasts, websites, and sermons of Christian leaders that address any topic that is critical of a leftist agenda. We’ve seen these