Netflix and Disney Support Aborting Future Customers
The Apostle Paul writes in his second letter to Timothy: Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men of depraved mind, rejected in regard to the faith. But they will not make further progress; for their folly will be obvious to all, just

Hollywood Trying to Blackmail Georgia Over Abortion
The Hollywood Left is on the move again trying to impose their immorality on the rest of us by trying to blackmail the people of Georgia by threatening to pull the film industry out of the state because Georgia has passed the “Fetal Heartbeat Bill.” Over the past decade, Georgia

Using Race to Brow Beat the Opposition and Win Elections
Accusations of racial bias are everywhere you turn. It’s the new way Democrats are trying to win elections. It’s happening big time in Georgia and Florida. Black voters were told that their vote was being suppressed. How was this possible in the biggest voter midterm turnout in history? It’s an issue

City With Mandatory Gun Ownership Has One of the Lowest Crime Rates
The anti-Second Amendment crowd is on the warpath again. I live just a few miles from the most pro-gun city in the United States – Kennesaw, Georgia – where gun ownership is mandatory. It’s not the “Wild West” like some people predicted it would be when city officials passed a

Democrats: If You Don’t Vote for this Woman, You are Anti-Woman
The special election in the 6th congressional district in Georgia is headed for a runoff. In what has been described as a “Jungle Primary,” if any one candidate did not get 50 percent of the vote, the two top vote-getters would meet in a final election. The supposed Trump-slayer, Jon Ossoff, a

How much money does Trump’s super liberal opponent in Georgia have?
John Ossoff is making waves around the world. He’s a surprise liberal underdog who’s about to rise to prominence in a traditionally Conservative suburb of Atlanta and upset the special election being held there…

Would Jesus Oppose Christians Challenging Supreme Court on Religious Freedom Issues?
Here we go again . . . another liberal trying to use the Bible to push an anti-Christian, pro-statist agenda. The latest attempt comes from Jay Michaelson who writes for the Daily Beast. A number of groups are challenging certain provisions of the Obamacare law that they believe are a

Governor Uses Bible to Deny the Bible and Our Liberty
Because of the Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage, some states are scrambling to come up with some remedial legal remedies. It’s happening in Georgia, but Republican Gov. Nathan Deal is opposing any legal protections and is trying to use the Bible to make his case. In reality, it’s money

Why Do Millions of Christians Ignore Politics?
Let’s get a few preliminaries out of the way. First, there is no doubt that there are few differences between the two major parties. With both Houses of Congress owned by the Republicans, one would think that the claimed differences would have come out and the GOP would have fought

Leftist Teacher Bullies Conservative Black 13-Year-Old Student
Remember in February of this year when Rudy Giuliani said this? “I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America. He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were

Gun Owners Pack Heat to Guard Military Recruiting Center
The recruitment center in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where four Marines were gunned down by an Islamic terrorist, was a “gun-free zone.” That meant that anybody with evil intent in their heart who had a gun and had some reason to kill American servicemen on United States soil, would meet with no

Confederate Flag and Racism are a Democrat Problem
The Confederate Battle flag has only recently become an issue because Democrats see it as a way to gain some political advantage over Republicans. It’s because Nikki Haley the governor of South Carolina is a Republican. Somehow the flag is her problem and the GOP’s problem. The Democrats ruled the

Meet the ‘Most Conservative’ Congressman Who ‘Went Turbo’ by Voting for CROmnibus
I’m watching Wreck it Ralph (2012) as I’m writing this. Ralph wrecks things. Felix fixes what Ralph wrecks. Ralph doesn’t like his bad guy image, so he “goes turbo” to get a medal to join Felix who gets a medal all the time. “Going turbo” is a bad thing in the

Jimmy Carter’s Grandson Running for Governor Says Government “Doles Out . . . Rights”
Jason Carter is the grandson of former President Jimmy Carter. He’s running for governor in Georgia as a Democrat on his grandfather’s tattered coattails. “Carter’s biggest asset appears to be that he is the grandson of the nation’s most ineffective president, former peanut farmer Jimmy Carter. As evidenced by Carter’s

Atheist Bullying Organizations Attack High School Sculpture with Bible Verses
The Madison, Wisconsin-based Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) and the Washington, D.C.-based American Humanist Association (AHA) are demanding that a Georgia school remove two Scripture verses from a sculpture that sits outside of the field house at Madison County High School in Danielsville, Georgia. “In addition to the school logo

Minimum Wage Workers March to Eliminate Jobs
Fast food workers across the United States went on strike to protest minimum wage pay. They want their salaries doubled to $15 per hour — twice the federal minimum wage rate. If the $15-wage-rate goes into effect, business will drop off and layoffs will take place. Some of the people

Liberals Denounce Burger King for Wanting to Save Money
The Left has gone into an apoplectic nose dive over the story that Burger King may reincorporate in Canada to lower its taxes. Many are calling the move “un-American.” How so? How is it unAmerican to want to save money for its investors? Wasn’t one of the arguments for same-sex

Jimmy Carter to Give Keynote Speech at Muslim Convention
Former President Jimmy Carter has been more critical of Christians than terrorists like Hamas and ISIS. Carter ran for president in 1976 as a “born again Christian.” Carter’s Southern Baptist Faith turned out to be a huge disappointment. Dr. Gary North writes: “The fundamentalists were happy to receive attention at