Nut Ball Reporter Advocates More Abortions to Lower Crime
Reporter-model Becky Griffin tweeted the following in response to the mass shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida: Woman puts baby up for adoption, he grows up to be a violent young man who will spend the rest of his life in prison for a mass murder.
Black Pastors Will Go to Smithsonian to Insist on Removal of Sanger Exhibits
Ministers Taking a Stand, led by president Bishop E.W. Jackson sent a letter last week to Kim Sajet, director of the National Portrait Gallery, asking for the removal of Sanger’s likeness “from all National Portrait Gallery exhibits.” The letter stated in part: Perhaps the Gallery is unaware that Ms. Sanger
Would Geraldo Rivera Have Made a Good Nazi Sympathizer?
During a heated exchange on Fox’s “The Five” about the Planned Parenthood videos, “liberal co-host Geraldo Rivera suggested to fellow co-host Greg Gutfeld that aborted babies should made into ‘dog food.’” He went on to say that he wants “a cure” for various diseases using aborted unborn baby body parts.
Black Pastors Attack Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger for Racist Views
While the media continue to ignore the Planned Parenthood videos, keeping the truth behind what the abortion provider really does hidden from people who continue to watch the failing establishment media, a number of new developments have taken place that might get some attention. The first is about a group
Is Playing the Hitler and Nazi Card Always Wrong?
I generally like the writings of P. J. O’Rourke. One of my favorites is, “When you think of the good old days, think ‘dentistry.’” Can you imagine dentistry before the advent of precision medical devices and anesthetics, not just for dentistry but for all invasive medical procedures? “The greatest invention
Why Interracial Marriage and Same-Sex Marriage are Not the Same
The homosexual movement has hitched its wagon to the racial equality train. In days past, interracial marriages were prohibited by law in some states. Homosexuality was prohibited by law in every state. The laws have since changed concerning interracial marriages; therefore, the laws should change for same-sex marriage. Is this
Obama Honors Supporter of the Destruction of the Black Race
The long-heralded feminist and mouthpiece for unrestrictive abortion Gloria Steinem was honored by President Obama. In addition to honoring Steinem, he also made the opportunity for Steinem to honor her philosophical mentor Margaret Sanger (1879-1966). The following is from CNSNews.com: “Speaking at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on
Killing ‘Defective’ Pre-Born Babies Said to be ‘Scientific’
In scientific terms, our granddaughter Juliana (that’s her picture to the right) was born ‘imperfect.’ She has what is called Kabuki Syndrome. It affects about 1 in 32,000 people. There are a number of physical and mental markers attached to it – from hypotonia (low muscle tone) to mild to