Does It Matter That Evolution Teaches that We Are Accidents or Freaks of Nature?
The following article is from the companion book that will go along with the “God and Governments” video series I just completed “Man … is certainly descended from some ape-like creature…. [H]e may not have been a social animal, and yet have lived with several wives, like the gorilla; for
Pres. Trump Chooses Science over Gender-Identity Politics
TIME magazine reports that “the Trump Administration is considering a policy that could effectively end federal recognition of more than a million adults who identify as a gender other than the one listed on their original birth certificate.” The title of the article? “What Could Happen If the Federal Government Redefined Gender?”
States are Fighting Back Against Transgenderism and the Assault on Women’s Sports
Women of the #MeToo movement are rightly concerned about assaults on women. One area where they are strangely silent is the assault on women’s sports by men who claim they are now women. Some states are fighting back. Transgender girls and women would be barred from participating in sports on
Is There Such a Thing as ‘Sexual Assault’ in an Atheistic Evolutionary World?
Given the operating assumptions of evolution, sexual assault and rape are natural.
Are the Views of These Men Responsible for the Las Vegas Massacre?
It’s been said, “You are what you eat.” Maybe it’s also true that you are what you read and the larger society tells you what you must believe because “it’s science.” For decades we’ve been told there is no God and we’ve evolved from the slime of a self-generating cosmos.
Is This the Reason For Mass Shootings and Other Acts of Violence?
A federal judge has ordered Lehigh Valley County, Pennsylvania, to remove the cross from its seal. He says it violates the Constitution. The cross represents the reality of sin, separation from God, and the redemptive work of Jesus Christ to reconcile us to God. The judge in the case “made
Does This New Scientific Discovery Disprove the Historical Record of the Bible?
The Telegraph lied about the biblical story concerning the Canaanites.
Can Atheists Account for Morality?
If there is no God, can there be morality? I’m not asking whether atheists are moral people and do moral things. They do, but by what unimpeachable and ultimate standard? An atheist might say that certain laws are good for the advancement of the species. But let’s not forget that
Can Atheism Ever be a Defense Against Evil?
“[P]rofessional God-slayer Richard Dawkins begrudgingly admitted that Christianity may actually be our best defense against aberrant forms of religion that threaten the world.” Here’s what he said: “There are no Christians, as far as I know, blowing up buildings. I am not aware of any Christian suicide bombers. I am
Video Testimonies Homosexuals Don’t Want You to See
If a person is born to be a homosexual, then there is no changing it. Period. Since some people claim they can’t change their sexual “orientation,” so the argument goes, then a person who engages in same-sex sexuality deserves to be protected by anti-discrimination laws in the same way that
Marco Rubio Seems Confused about Homosexuality
Republican 2016 presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio said Sunday that he does not believe homosexuality is a choice. He claims that it’s “something that people are born with.” He also said he believes marriage should be “between one man and one woman.” So which is it? Sen. Rubio seems to
How Scott Walker Could Have Answered the Evolution Question
Liberals are good at gotcha questions so they can use the answers as sound bites and then build a straw man so they set him ablaze on the evening news for months and then pull out the edited and liberal interpreted sound bite to ridicule the guy. Gov. Scott Walker
City Council Prayer by Atheist Mocks God and Makes Morality Impossible
Capitulation to mindless political correctness — in the name of pluralism and toleration (unless you oppose same-sex sexuality, then there is no toleration for you) — is happening everywhere. A college president has apologized for saying that “All lives matter.” Can you imagine such intolerance? It’s a galloping epidemic. Now
Richard Dawkins Would Have Killed My Granddaughter
I’ve written numerous times that atheists are almost never consistent with their atheistic beliefs. They deny God but live in His moral universe because they can’t conjure real morality given the premise of their godless worldview. By definition, atheists are materialists. The only thing that matters is matter, expect when
Will Ryan Bell be Able to Live as a Consistent Atheist?
Before a show like Extreme Makeover, there was Queen for a Day that first ran as a radio show and was later picked up for television from 1956 to 1964. Four pitiful and woeful women would tell their story to a studio audience. After hearing tortuous tales of discomfort, the
Big Evolution vs. Creation Debate to Take Place with Bill Nye
On February 4, 2014, Ken Ham, Creation Museum Founder and Answers in Genesis President/CEO will debate Bill Nye at the Creation Museum on this question: “Is creation a viable model of origins in today’s modern scientific world?” Bill Nye is the former host of the popular Bill Nye the Science
Evolution Disproved by Evolutionists in New Study
Evolution is today’s secular religion. Evolutionists have their own creation story (abiogenesis), holy books (On the Origin of Species, The God Delusion), priesthood (Charles Darwin, Richard Dawkins), seminaries (universities), and houses of worship (atheist “mega-church” movement). The charge is often made that the debate over evolution is over. Evolution has
Atheist Professor Has No Answer for Evolutionary Origins
It’s easy to spot a bad argument. The attacks start getting personal. The most recent example is with Dr. Craig Stanford, professor of anthropology and biological sciences at the University of Southern California. He’s a “well-known evolutionary professor [who] stated in a recent interview that those who do not accept