18 Sep 2018

The Clarence Thomas Inquisition Revisited: Brett Kavanaugh in Egypt

The Preacher wrote: “That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done. So, there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). There are lessons to be learned from an understanding of how the Bible deals with false

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
22 Aug 2018

Could This Former Supreme Court Justice Be Appointed to the Court Today?

Supreme Court Associate Justice James Wilson (1742-1798) said that the government of the United States of America is “the best form of government which has ever been offered to the world.” Wilson, as a delegate from Pennsylvania to the Constitutional Convention and a signer of the Declaration of Independence (one

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
18 Oct 2017

A Lesson from the Nuremberg Trials and Today’s Morality Problem

We’re beginning to hear from Hollywood insiders that Hollywood “has no moral authority.” It’s not just Hollywood. By what standard is morality determined today? How many times have we heard, “You can’t impose your morality on me”? In what way is it morally right for women to impose their view

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
05 Feb 2015

Why America Can’t Defend Itself Against Sharia Law

There is a great amount of fear that Sharia law will make its way to the United States. Efforts are underway to stop it. What legal/moral standard will be used to determine why Sharia Law should not be implemented? What is the foundation of law in the United States? Does

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
31 Dec 2014

Republican Steve Scalise Gets Skewered While Liberal Democrats Got Passes

Republican House Majority Whip Steve Scalise is being attacked because of some of his past political relationships. Conservatives and liberals alike are calling for his resignation. As expected, USA Today and the Chicago Tribune, have called on Scalise to resign his House GOP leadership post: “USA Today argued that Scalise’s longtime relationship

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
03 Nov 2014

Charlie Rangel Is Right . . . Slavery is Alive and Well in the DEMOCRAT Party

Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.) attacked the Republican Party during a campaign rally for New York Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Rangel is adept at playing the race card. He doesn’t have any other card in his deck. He compared some members of the GOP to confederates from the Civil War era.

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
15 May 2014

The White Privilege Movement and the Black KKK

Liberals never give up. When they lose one battle, they fight another one. When the facts don’t support their cause, no problem, they ignore the facts and claim “the debate is over.” It’s similar to a first grader who gets his feelings hurt and decides to take his ball and

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
10 Apr 2014

A Whole Bunch of White Folks Showed Up With Mixed Race Children and Want Their $100,000

In most cases, bullies are cowards. The best way to confront a bully is not to back down. And if you can’t do it alone, get some other people to join you. When liberals make this or that claim about conservatives and Republicans, they rarely have the facts on their

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
30 Jan 2014

MSNBC’s Bi-Racial Racist Tweet Backfires Big Time

The folks at MSNBC can’t seem to get racial stuff right. First, the Romney family was denigrated when Mitt Romney’s son and daughter-in-law adopted a black child. Then a year later, the young couple was slammed again, this time by Melissa Harris-Perry. Only liberals can adopt black and mixed-race children;

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
25 Jan 2013

Hillary Clinton Protected from Combat Because She’s a Woman

Leon Panetta announced that female military personnel will now be allowed to engage in combat. They will be permitted to take frontline positions in a war. They’ll be able to get blown to bits just like men. But that’s only in war. At the same time this announcement was being

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
19 Nov 2012

Democrat Congresswomen Cry ‘Racism’ and ‘Sexism’

For all their talk about equal rights, equal pay, job parity, and breaking through the glass ceiling, Democrats are the biggest hypocrites. Proof of this can be seen in the way they treat conservative women whether black or white and how they attack any criticism of other Democrat women. They

Gary DeMar 0 Read More