Christians Around the World are Rejecting Last Days Madness
I’ve witnessed a seismic shift in prophetic thinking over the past 40 years. It’s happening every day in every part of the world. On April 10, 2020, I did a two-hour interview with Georges Ruapene co-founder of Faith & Grace ministries based in Australia. That interview has led to other
Audience Relevance, the Time Texts, and Bible Prophecy
I have been looking into prophecy books that deal with the history of prophetic interpretation. Dispensationalists are trying to claim that the “rapture” and dispensationalism (it’s the “ism” that makes a difference) had a long history before John Nelson Darby. You can read some of my articles on the subject
More Fake News About the ‘Rapture,’ the Antichrist, and the End Times
“Evangelist Greg Laurie has suggested that a massive Jesus revival in America could lead to Christians being snatched from Earth, removing the U.S. from the End Times conflict.” Why can’t a massive Jesus revival in America lead to Christians changing America? In his interview with PureFlix, Laurie “recalled that one of
If You’re Reading This, You Missed the Rapture Again
Seventy years ago, on May 14, 1948, the political state of Israel was established. For millions of Christians, the political establishment of Israel in 1948 has held prophetic significance. The claim has been made repeatedly that 1948 began what has been called the “fig tree” generation based on Matthew 24:32-34
The Truth About the Rapture of the Church
One way to get Christians to disengage from what’s happening today is to assure them that we are living in the last days and a rapture will rescue us from a period of Great Tribulation.
If You Believe the End of the World Will Happen on Sept. 23, Sign Over All Your Assets to Me Effective Sept. 24
A few years ago I received an email from someone who made a prediction about when the end would come. I told him that if he was serious that he would sign over his assets to me effective on the day after he was sure the end would come. He
Michele Bachman and Glenn Beck Can Only See the Apocalypse
I’ve been writing on the subject of eschatology (the study of the last things) for a long time and countering the argument that a near end-time apocalypse is around the corner. Over the years I have participated in innumerable debates, written ten books on the subject, and published nearly 100
Contrary to Popular Opinion We Are Not Living in the Last Days
Once again Christians are being told that we are definitely living in the last days. For example, Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship in California said in a November 19, 2015 sermon that current news events are following the plan laid out in Bible prophecy. Melody Dareing, writing for
Michele Bachmann Says Jesus’ Second Coming is ‘Imminent’ Because of Obama’s Nuclear Negotiations With Iran
The Christian Post reports that “Former congresswoman and 2012 Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann has accused President Barack Obama of being ‘pro the goals of Islamic jihad,’ which she explains includes welcoming the ‘hidden imam’ to bring on the apocalypse.” She went on to say, “Talk about what you see
Is End Times Thinking Causing Political Indifference?
I thought we had learned our lesson from people like Edgar Whisenant, who claimed there were 88 reasons why the “rapture” would take place in 1988, as well as Hal Lindsey and Chuck Smith who argued in a similar way. Let’s not forget Harold Camping who made predicting the end
Why Bother When Prophecy Pundits Tell Us We Have this to Look Forward to?
How many times have you heard prophecy pundits claim that the end of the world or at least some prophetic is near that’s going to change everything? We’ve got the first of four blood moons coming up on April 14th. Let’s not forget the Chilean earthquake, something that happens quite
Does the Death of Ariel Sharon Mean the Return of Jesus is Suddenly Imminent?
The short answer is “no,” but it won’t stop people from trying to make a prophetic connection between the death of Ariel Sharon and the return of Jesus Christ. The speculation is being energized by Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri who died shortly after Sharon suffered a stroke in 2006 that put
Halley’s Comet, the Jupiter Effect, and Blood Moons
As I’ve written in two previous articles about the upcoming Blood Moons in 2014/2015, (here and here), there are a number of Christian writers who claim that they will signal some type of end-time prophetic event. These types of speculations have a long and anti-climatic history. On December 31, 1979,
Will Four Blood Moons Usher in the Second Coming?
For centuries prophecy writers have been predicting prophetic events based on a whole host of supposed end-time indicators. The latest prophetic speculation centers around four “blood moons” — called a “tetrad” — that will occur in 2014/2015 may have something to do with the “rapture” or some other unnamed prophetic
Jan Markell’s End-Time Hysteria Conference
For centuries Bible prophecy pundits have predicted that the end was near. They appealed to the same types of signs: wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines, and false religions. They all had one thing in common. They’ve all been wrong. None of this has stopped contemporary prophecy writers and
May 14, 1948 to 1988 to 2013: 65 Years of Bad Prophetic Timing
Sixty five years ago today, Israel became a nation again. Prophetic writers saw this event as the end-time sign that something called the “rapture” could not be far off. Within 40 years of that May 14, 1948 date, prophecy writers were telling us, Jesus would return and take His Church
Comet Over Israel During Obama Visit is Seen as a Sign of the End
Every time a world leader burps, the ground shakes, or there is a comet within a million miles of Earth, prophecy pundits dust off their “The End is Near” signs and assure us that time is running out for planet earth. Predicting the end is a multi-billion-dollar business. Publishing companies
The World Will Not End Today
Harold Camping is at it again. According to his calculations, today — October 21, 2011 — is supposed to be the end. He’s made this type of prediction before, in 1994 and May 21st of this year. He will be wrong today. I’m so sure of this that I’m on