Why Many Liberal Women’s Groups Are Sticking with Biden
Why are most liberal women’s groups and high profile Democrat women not going after Biden over the sexual assault allegation? Because Democrat politics is all about abortion. They know Biden will vote that women have the right to kill their unborn babies. If some women were sexually assaulted by him,

What the Left Has in Store For Us
Donald Trump saved us from Hillary Clinton and the Leftist cabal in 2016. Like so many past victories won by the GOP and its supporters, a won battle is believed to be a won war. It’s not. I saw the same thing happen in 1980 when Ronald Reagan wiped out the

Will Michael Avenatti Get a Dose of Guilty-Until-Proven-Innocent-and-Still-Be-Guilty Payback?
Michael Avenatti has been charged with domestic violence. Avenatti denied the charges. “I want to be clear: I DID NOT commit domestic violence nor have I ever committed domestic violence. I did not strike any woman nor have I ever. I did not strike my ex-wife in the face nor did

The Use of the Word ‘Mob’ to Describe Leftist Harassment is the Left’s New ‘N-Word’
Don’t you dare accuse Democrat attacks on Republicans as a “mob.” The use of the word ‘mob’ is not a reference to the mafia or organized crime, although it could be defined that way considering the criminal nature of the Democrat Party. ‘Mob’ refers to a group of people acting in unison

You Are in the Culture War. Deal With It
I’m in Guatemala today. I’ve been here since September 9th teaching and discussing every topic under the Sun with some very well-informed Christians. I have five talks to give today, so I’m going to take a breather from writing an article today and post some comments from David Bahnsen‘s article

Confirm Kavanaugh and Tell His Accuser to Take Her Case to Court
There is no way to please or appease the Democrats. It’s about time the Republicans learn this lesson. If the Ford-Kavanaugh hearing and subsequent delay tactics have done is expose the Democrats as a power-hungry mob. they can’t wait to get their hands on the reins of political power again. Democrats

Drugs, Drinks, Doors, and Dogs
Donald Trump has picked at the scab of Democrat politics and exposed its savage wound on the body politic. The Left has thrown everything at him and nothing seems to stick. He has made fools of them and some Republicans, too. Like his comments about Christine Ford’s testimony. “I don’t know. I don’t

It’s Time to Investigate All the Senators on the Judiciary Committee
The Democrats are threatening to impeach Brett Kavanaugh if the Republicans vote to put him on the Supreme Court and the Democrats retake the House of Representatives. There’s also the threat to bring criminal charges against Kavanaugh in the county in which Dr. Ford said the assault against her took

Senators Chris Dodd and Ted Kennedy and the “Waitress Sandwhich”
The Supreme Court was never meant to be the final arbiter of right and wrong. Our founders never set up the non-elected members of a Supreme Court to make law. The founders would never have thought of giving so much power to five unelected people after dividing the power of

The Ten Commandments: Foundation of Liberty
What we are seeing during the judicial proceedings for Judge Kavanaugh is a symptom of a greater principle. The foundation of law is absent. Uncorroborated testimonies have become a substitute for evidence and witnesses. The people who attacking Judge Kavanaugh are the same people who support the killing of unborn

Democrats Embrace Frontier ‘Justice’
The Brett Kavanaugh case is a study in the application of justice. There are two people with different stories with no evidence to examine and weigh. It’s one person’s word against another’s word based on events that may or may not have happened nearly 40 years ago. What’s obscuring the

Questions I Would ask Judge Kavanaugh’s Accuser
Since the reliability of the testimony of Judge Kavanaugh’s accuser is crucial to the accusation she has leveled against him, a series of fact-based questions should be asked. The memory of an event that goes back 36 years needs to have some supporting reliable evidence. Christine Blasey Ford and the

The Clarence Thomas Inquisition Revisited: Brett Kavanaugh in Egypt
The Preacher wrote: “That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done. So, there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). There are lessons to be learned from an understanding of how the Bible deals with false

It’s Time to Put the Late Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and the Democrat Party on Trial
There was Clarence Thomas v. Anita Hill, Roy Moore v. some teenage girls, and now it’s Brett Kavanaugh v. Christine Blasey Ford who claims Kavanaugh abused her more than 35 years ago when they were teenagers. The thing of it is, except maybe in the Moore case, it’s one person’s

Kamala Harris Asks Right Question About Constitution But Won’t Like The Right Answer
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) referred to a pocket-sized version of the U.S. Constitution that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh often referred to it during the judge’s confirmation hearing as “that book you carry.” That “book” contained a copy of the document that Harris and every member of Congress takes an