MLK III: Skin Color a License to Murder
Martin Luther King III said the following at the 50th anniversary of his father’s “I Have a Dream” Speech: “However, sadly, the tears of Trayvon Martin’s mother and father remind us that, far too frequently, the color of one’s skin remains a license to profile, to arrest and to even
Shakedown Artist Jesse Jackson Says Boycott Florida — I Say ‘Buycott’
Jesse Jackson appeared on CNN to call for a boycott Florida campaign because of the George Zimmerman acquittal. Instead of boycotting Florida, I’m taking a trip next week for a “buycott.”1 I’m going to help the state as I buy something at the airport, rent a car, buy gasoline, eat
What to Make of “If Newtown Shooter Killed Black Kids We Probably Wouldn’t Be Talking About Guns”
MSNBCs Toure Neblett, who is black, made the following racially charged and ignorant claim last week: “If Adam Lanza had walked into a black public school in this mythical South Brooklyn or in the Southside of Chicago, we would probably not be having a sustained national conversation about guns.” Most
Can I Tell This Story and Not be Racist?
I’ve been thinking a lot about race lately. There’s no way to escape the topic since nearly everybody and his brother are accusing conservatives of being racists. Eric Holder said that Americans are cowards when it comes to race. Maybe we are. No one likes to be called a racist.
How Black Leaders Exploit Their People for Political and Financial Gain
The killing of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman is showing how liberals – especially blacks – care more about getting the political upper hand than affecting long-term change in black communities. Blacks are used as props to raise political capital. The shooting deaths of two British students — James Cooper