GOP Establishment Blackballing Anyone Who Supports Judge Roy Moore for Senate in Alabama
It’s bad enough that conservatives have to fight Democrats. The GOP has its own Democrat-like base and is using its power, money, and influence to keep conservatives out of the party. It’s about power and money. They know that confiscatory tax policy is the gravy train to riches. And there
Governor Uses Bible to Deny the Bible and Our Liberty
Because of the Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage, some states are scrambling to come up with some remedial legal remedies. It’s happening in Georgia, but Republican Gov. Nathan Deal is opposing any legal protections and is trying to use the Bible to make his case. In reality, it’s money
Planned Parenthood Suing Alabama Could be a Good Thing
Here’s some good news. Planned Parenthood is suing Alabama because the state refuses to use taxpayer money to fund the abortion provider. “Planned Parenthood Southeast Friday filed suit against the State of Alabama and Governor Robert Bentley over his decision to cancel the state’s family planning contract with the abortion
Why Does Ireland’s Pro-Gay Vote Count but not the Votes of 30 States in the US?
Ireland overwhelmingly voted for same-sex marriage. Why does Ireland’s vote count when in the United States votes by state legislatures and the general public (e.g., California, Alabama, Texas) are often overruled by unelected judges? Why is it right in Ireland to vote for something and have it mean something, but
43% of Democrats Believe Obama Should Have Right to Ignore the Courts
Liberals have attacked Chief Justice Roy Moore for standing his ground against federal encroachment on the state of Alabama. Moore has made a constitutional case for his stand based on the fact that the federal constitution does not mention marriage, and what the Constitution does not mention, the courts have
Alabama Governor Says He Would ‘Never . . . Disobey a Federal Court Ruling”
Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley said on Friday, February 20th, that he would “never do anything to disobey a federal court ruling” when asked about the legal fight over same-sex marriage in the Deep South state. “We are a nation under laws,” Bentley told POLITICO. “We may not always agree with
Texas Supreme Court Halts Rogue Judges’ Same-Sex Marriage Rulings
Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore is following his state’s constitution, the action by the voters (81% of voters voted against same-sex marriage), and the legislature that also opposes same-sex marriage. Read more: “Southern Baptist Leader Says Roy Moore Should Comply with Judge’s Order or Resign.” Same-sex marriage is illegal in
Southern Baptist Leader Says Roy Moore Should Comply with Judge’s Order or Resign
Russell Moore (no relation to Roy Moore), the head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s public policy arm, as reported in the Christian Examiner, “says Alabama judges who in good conscience cannot issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, should resign instead of fighting the law while in office.” What if judges
‘Rights Don’t Come from God’ CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo Proclaims
Chris Cuomo, a Democrat operative working for the once-news channel CNN, interviewed Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore on the same-sex marriage battle. Moore, as the chief law officer of the state, who took an oath to uphold Alabama’s constitution, intervened in a single judge’s decision that same-sex marriage is constitutional.
State Supreme Court Chief Justice Says No to Federal Court on Gay Marriage
While the nation is worried about deflated footballs, there’s someone with real balls who is finally standing up to the overreach of the federal courts. “Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore has released a letter to Gov. Robert Bentley saying that he intends to continue to recognize the state’s
A Whole Bunch of White Folks Showed Up With Mixed Race Children and Want Their $100,000
In most cases, bullies are cowards. The best way to confront a bully is not to back down. And if you can’t do it alone, get some other people to join you. When liberals make this or that claim about conservatives and Republicans, they rarely have the facts on their