Kid With ‘Pop-Tart Gun’ Taken More Seriously Than Cruz Who Said He Wanted To be A ‘Professional School Shooter’
Only in Leftist America can an organization like the NRA be blamed for something that it had no part in. How is it possible that an advocacy and lobbying group that works to defend an amendment to the Constitution is attacked for what some 19-year-old mentally disturbed and frequently reported
College Students say “It Looks Like a Bomb.”
I don’t recall ever agreeing with anything that Richard Dawkins has written or said, but I have to agree with his assessment of Ahmed Mohamed’s “clock” story. While Dawkins has been the darling of the liberal establishment, his comments about “clock boy” have garnered a lot of negative attention and
Reverse Engineering Ahmed Mohamed’s Clock … and Ourselves.
I loved anything electronic when I was Ahmed Mohamed’s age. I’ve seen every film made about early inventors. Two of my favorites are Edison, the Man (1940), the sequel to Young Tom Edison (1940) (also good) starring Mickey Rooney, and The Story of Alexander Graham Bell (1939). I built crystal radios and even had
Kid With Bomb-Like Device Gets Invited to White House
A Muslim teenager was arrested for bringing a clock he built to class — which teachers thought might have been a dangerous device. It was not part of a science class. The story has made Ahmed Mohamed a minor overnight celebrity A campaign of support on Twitter — with #IStandWithAhmed —