There Are No Homosexuals or Transgenders
If you are going to win an argument, you must get down to the operating assumptions of what’s being argued. We first heard that homosexuals were born that way, just like heterosexuals are born with desires for those of the opposite sex. While numerous scientific studies have been done to
Marco Rubio Seems Confused about Homosexuality
Republican 2016 presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio said Sunday that he does not believe homosexuality is a choice. He claims that it’s “something that people are born with.” He also said he believes marriage should be “between one man and one woman.” So which is it? Sen. Rubio seems to
Opposing Homosexuality is Not Bigotry
The following comments of mine were posted by someone on Facebook: “The homosexual, transgender, bi-sexual, and whatever-sexual movement works overtime to hitch its cart to the civil rights horse. . . . Sexual behavior cannot be compared to the struggle of blacks to secure full civil rights. . . .