Early Documents in the Debate Over Preterism: The Didache
While I was visiting my friend Mike Britton (who’s been in a coma for more than a year), I spoke with a man who had been discipled by Mike. He’s been teaching a Bible study on prophecy. We spoke on the phone. He told me about a back-and-forth debate he
What Does the Bible Mean by the ‘Last Days’ and Jesus’ Coming?
The following is Part 2 of my response to “Jesus’ Failed Prophecy About His Return” (JFPAHR). Go here for Part 1: “Eschatology and Biblical Apologetics.” Let’s continue with how the author of “JFPAHR” deals with passages about “the end.” In fact, it’s in these passages that we understand that the end
Is Rebuilding the Temple the Next Event on the Prophetic Timeline?
The burden of proof is on rebuilt-temple advocates to come up with one verse that unequivocally states that a rebuilt temple is required to fulfill some end-time prophetic program since they admit that “There are no Bible verses that say, ‘There is going to be a third temple.’”
Does the US Moving Its Embassy to Jerusalem Have Prophetic Significance?
Earthly Jerusalem does not have any prophetic significance, but heavenly Jerusalem does.
Not Every Bad Thing Happening Today is Related to Bible Prophecy
How often have you heard it said that we must be living in the last days because of all the bad things that are happening in the world? It’s been a standard claim among Christian prophecy prognosticators for centuries. Name any war, plague, natural disaster, earthquake, famine, or decline in