‘They Came for Alex Jones, And I Did Not Speak Out Because I did Not Like Alex Jones’
“We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.” — George Orwell, 1984. Civil discourse is nearly dead in the United States. Men and women are being verbally attacked in restaurants, movie theaters, and elsewhere. Maxine Waters, a United States Congresswoman has been telling her supporters
Should There be Bible Classes in Public Schools?
For some time Christians have been working to get the Bible and prayer reintroduced into public schools. William Jeynes, a senior fellow at the Witherspoon Institute and an education professor at California State University, presented “Putting the Bible and Prayer Back in the Public Schools” at the Family Research Council.
The Unconstitutional Law that Has Threatened and Silenced Churches for More than 60 Years
Since 1954, anti-Christian organizations have relied on an unconstitutional law to keep Christians from speaking on the topic of politics. Pres. Trump has issued an Executive Order to dampen the effects of the 1954 law. His order does not actually nullify the law since it became law by an act
You Won’t Believe the Video the ACLU Produced to Support ‘Transgenders’ Using Girls Bathrooms
There’s a battle going on in Texas over bathrooms. It doesn’t sound like a big deal to allow men who believe or think they are women to use a woman’s bathroom, but it’s a slippery slope to issues like boys showering with girls, boys who believe they are girls playing on
How Justice Scalia Set the Anti-Religion Crowd Straight
Justice Scalia rocked the secularist establishment in many ways — from his views on abortion and same-sex sexuality to affirmative action and religion and the founding of the United States. In a speech he gave in January of this year, Justice Scalia said: “One of the reasons God has been good
ACLU Board Member Urges People to Kill Supporters of Donald Trump
Liberals apparently don’t know the meaning of the word liberal. “Classical liberalism is a political ideology that values the freedom of individuals — including the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets — as well as limited government.” Liberal used to mean “liberty.” Today, liberalism means “if you don’t
Who’s Smarter than a 5th Grader?: Ben Carson or Leftist Journalists
Ben Carson has said some odd things. His Pyramid claim does not fit with the text of Scripture, but it’s not a unique belief. It has some history behind it. His latest historical faux pas (or not) concerns the Constitution and the role Thomas Jefferson did or didn’t play in its
Reason No. 345 to Remove Your Kids From Public Schools
I’m going to say this again. Get your children out of government schools. Do it now! We are free to do it, but most parents don’t do it because they actually think public schools are free. They aren’t. Not only are public schools paid for with confiscated money, but they
Ten Commandments Battle in Oklahoma: Will It be OK to Steal and Murder?
A Ten Commandments monument has been removed from the grounds of the State Capitol in Oklahoma at the insistence of the ACLU. What makes a law a law? Why is it wrong to murder, steal, and lie, three of the Ten Words (Decalogue) found in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5
Atheists Get Slapped Down in Pennsylvania Ten Commandments Case
“A federal judge in Pennsylvania has thrown out a lawsuit challenging the presence of a Ten Commandments monument at a local high school, declaring that the complainants have not suffered injury from the display.” That’s hardly a good argument. “Plaintiffs … have failed to establish that they were forced to
North Carolina Judge Rules Against State’s Religious and Constitutional History
“A federal judge in North Carolina has ruled that commissioners in one local county can’t present prayers only in Jesus’ name even if they all are Christians because doing so isn’t ‘nondiscriminatory’ toward other religions and elevates Christianity in government.” If this is true, then the United States Constitution as
Blacks Need to Rise Up Against Liberal Black Establishment
“The American Civil Liberties Union tweeted Friday that ‘Black Spring has begun’ and called on the protesters to know their rights.” For more than 50 years liberals have claimed that the way to help the poor was to transfer wealth from the rich to the poor. It hasn’t worked. It’s only
ACLU Wants to Force Catholic Charities to Kill Unborn Babies
Reproductive freedom is a euphemism for child murder. Being “pro-choice” means being pro-abortion and ignores the choice of the innocent unborn child being killed. Planned Parenthood has nothing to do with parenthood. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), a well thought out euphemism for oppression since the organization is selective
Why the 3 Percent is Beating the 30 Percent and Will Target Churches Next
As I pointed out in a “When Gays Fire-Bombed a Church: ‘Gay Rights or Gay Riots,’” Christians have been the target in the homosexual debate going back more than 30 years. Homosexuals learned that by attacking one church or one person at a time, they could get pro-homosexual precedents established.
Apple CEO Tim Cook Is a Bigot Who Does Not Believe in Religious Freedom
Tim Cook is the CEO of Apple. He has sex with men. I’m not revealing anything about him that he has not revealed about himself. Here’s what he said: “While I have never denied my sexuality, I haven’t publicly acknowledged it either, until now. So let me be clear: I’m
Hoaxer, Race Baiter, MSNBC Host, and Tax-Cheat Al Sharpton Loves Darwin
Al Sharpton seems to get away with every moral infraction. Many people ask how he can live with himself knowing that he was involved in the smearing of six white men when he took up for Tawana Brawley who claimed she had been raped and left with racial slurs written
Get Ready for Chimpanzee Voter Rights for Democrats
ABC News reports that “[a] state appeals court will decide in coming weeks whether chimpanzees are entitled to ‘legal personhood’ in a case that could lead to expanded rights for animals such as gorillas, elephants and dolphins, according to the lawyer advocating for a 26-year-old chimp named Tommy.” Unborn babies
Justice Antonin Scalia Sets the Anti-Religion Crowd Straight
For more than 35 years I have written on the topic of America’s religious foundation. I’ve written five books on the subject, dozens of articles, and participated in a debate with atheist lawyer Edward Tabash. The study of American history will show that the atheists, ACLU, Americans United for Separation