21 Mar 2017

Pocahontas to be next President?

A recent poll is pointing to a harsh reality for Conservatives: Elizabeth Warren may be our next President.

John Livingston 0 Read More
Say no to net neutrality
27 Feb 2017

Good news for defenders of Internet freedom. Sorry, Progressives.

As of June 2016, there appeared to be nothing but storm clouds gathering over the issue of Internet liberty. Then, in January, out of nowhere, came a ray of hope…

John Livingston 0 Read More
23 Feb 2017

If People are Convinced Transgenderism is Real, Then They Can be Convinced of Anything

The transgender memo by former (yes!) Pres. Obama is one of the most insidious pieces of insane pressure politics I’ve seen, and that’s saying a lot. It was meant to be insane. How can someone claim that the way a person feels, believes, or chooses about his or her sexual identity

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
20 Feb 2017

Anti-Trumper Judd Apalow Belittles Women Who Actually Have Been Raped

Rape is not something anyone should joke about. Neither should anyone who disagrees with someone politically compare it with being raped. Such a comparison belittles the tragedy that physical rape is to women who have been raped. Judd Apatow is a comedian and the producer of such films as Anchorman and Bridesmaids,

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
18 Jan 2017

John Lewis is an Income Stealing Liberal Who Supports Killing Unborn Black Babies

Say it like the title of this article suggests and it puts a completely different light on John Lewis’s civil rights icon status. He is one of the worst Congressmen our political system has created. He is entrenched in the 5th District of Georgia which is a majority-black district. His

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
18 Jan 2017

Hey, Democrats! We Don’t Care You’re Not Showing Up for Trump’s Inauguration

The Mainstream Media are making a big deal over how many Democrats aren’t showing up for Trump’s Inauguration. I’ve seen where it’s now up to at least 60 House Democrats. The list will grow as more Democrats will be cajoled into not attending. They think we care. They need us

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
29 Jan 2016

Why Do Millions of Christians Ignore Politics?

Let’s get a few preliminaries out of the way. First, there is no doubt that there are few differences between the two major parties. With both Houses of Congress owned by the Republicans, one would think that the claimed differences would have come out and the GOP would have fought

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
29 Jan 2016

Ronald Reagan Tells A Heckler To ‘Shutup’

Ronald Reagan was not the perfect President, but he knew how to control an audience and put down a heckler. He wasn’t afraid to speak from the heart and the gut. While Donald Trump is wrong on so many issues, he is right on the way he has taken on

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
28 Jan 2016

Ultra-Liberal Robert Reich’s 5 Reasons Why Ted Cruz is the Best Candidate

Robert Reich “served in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter and was Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 1997. . . . He was appointed a member of President-elect Barack Obama’s economic transition advisory board. . . . Time magazine named him one of the Ten Best Cabinet Members of the century, and The Wall Street Journal in

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
26 Jan 2016

How a Radical Muslim “Natural Born Citizen” Could Be President

Ted Cruz was born in Canada to a mother who is a natural born Citizen and a father who is a naturalized citizen. Ted Cruz’s father immigrated to the United States and lived here before going to Canada for work. According to some conservatives and liberals, Ted Cruz is not

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
23 Jan 2016

Let’s Give Everyone $4.3 Million and End Poverty Tomorrow

Lottery fever hit big a few weeks ago. The last jackpot was more than $1.5 billion. Of course, the government will get its multi-millions. That’s what it’s really all about: people voluntarily giving their money away to the government. Yes, a few people will make millions, but the government will

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
23 Jan 2016

Political Correctness Censoring Unpopular Views Among Sci-Fi Authors

Liberals have always used the tolerance wedge to get their views a hearing. All they want is “tolerance” for their views. They don’t want to deny anyone else’s views, they just want a place at the table. But once they’re at the table, the rest of their time is spent

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
22 Jan 2016

Why the GOP Establishment is Beginning to Like Trump and Hates Cruz

The GOP Establishment believed Jeb Bush was their guy. The two earlier Bush Presidents grew the government. There was no reason that a third Bush wouldn’t do the same. Sen. Ted Cruz was not the Establishment’s pick. He would not help them fund their pet projects. When you have Bob

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
21 Jan 2016

In 1977 Jimmy Carter Said We Should Have Run Out of Oil by Now

Global Warming/Climate Change advocates claim that the debate is over. The science is settled. Debating the “science” behind the certainty of man-made Climate Change is like debating whether the earth is flat or round. So say supposedly 97 percent of all scientists. Rubbish. A similar no-debate claim was made in

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
19 Jan 2016

Trump’s New York Values Include Partial Birth Abortions

Ted Cruz brought up Donald Trump’s “New York values.” I suspect that he mostly had New York City in mind, but let’s say that he had the entire state. Of course, Cruz knows that not everyone in New York City and the state at large is a leftist, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
19 Jan 2016

The End of the ‘White American Majority’ is a Myth

“The U.S. Bureau of the Census has projected that America will have a ‘non-white’ majority by 2044.” (H/T: National Review) I don’t know any real white people. We are all shades of color, thus, “non-white.” White means Caucasian. That makes Hispanics “white” because they are Caucasian since their ancestors came

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
18 Jan 2016

Pulitzer Prize Winner Kathleen Parker Said the Most Ignorant Thing About the Bible and Ted Cruz

Did you know that the Bible does not teach that Jesus rose from the dead? Did you know that “the body of Christ” always refers to the actual body of Jesus? Well, that’s what highly paid liberal Pulitzer Prize winning Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker claimed in response to a

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
16 Jan 2016

Lawrence Tribe Says Cruz is Not a Natural Born Citizen but Chimpanzees Could Be

I’ve been amazed how many so-called conservatives are appealing to Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Tribe as an authority on what a natural born citizen is. He’s a very weak reed too lean on for lots of reasons. Pick almost any subject, and Tribe is most likely on the other side.

Gary DeMar 0 Read More