
MSNBC’s Bi-Racial Racist Tweet Backfires Big Time

The folks at MSNBC can’t seem to get racial stuff right. First, the Romney family was denigrated when Mitt Romney’s son and daughter-in-law adopted a black child. Then a year later, the young couple was slammed again, this time by Melissa Harris-Perry. Only liberals can adopt black and mixed-race children; conservative are forbidden. She later apologized.

Conservatives only do such things for show. “Let’s adopt a token black or mixed-race child to show that we are not right wing radical nut jobs without a soul.” This is how liberals view such adoptions by conservatives.

Here’s the latest MSNBC racial bigotry that poured forth from the collapsing network. It’s about a Cheerios commercial (see at the end of this article) that features a mixed race couple and their bi-racial child. It’s very cute.

“Less than a month after Melissa Harris-Perry’s tear-drenched apology for a panel discussion on her MSNBC program which mocked Mitt Romney’s adopted black grandson, the cable network again had to apologize on Wednesday, this time for an online post (now deleted) that unjustly accused conservatives of being against interracial marriage and reproduction. An anonymous writer on MSNBC’s official Twitter account wrote: ‘Maybe the rightwing will hate it, but everyone else will go awww: the adorable new #Cheeros ad w/ biracial family.’”

Not only are these people stupid, stupid, stupid but they are downright evil. They live in their liberal bubble. I suspect that they don’t even know a conservative family.

They are so ignorant that they don’t know that rock-ribbed conservative Phil Graham’s wife Wendy Lee Gramm is of Korean and Hawaiian ancestry. Clarence Thomas is married to a white woman, and remember what liberals tried to do to him. “Thirty-seven-year-old Republican mayor-turned-GOP congressional candidate Mia Love . . . has also dated interracially, and subsequently married. Love is black, while her husband is white.”

Congressman Tim Huelskamp (KS-01) is a Tea Party Republican who has a mixed-race family.

Jeb Bush is married to Columba Bush who is Mexican. Yes, I know Hispanics are not a designated racial group, but liberals view anybody who is not white as being of a different race. That’s how deep their ignorance goes. Republican South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, who is Indian, is married to a non-Indian. She and her husband have two children. Her parents, Ajit Singh Randhawa and Raj Kaur Randhawa, are immigrants from Amritsar District, Punjab, India.

Here’s “rest of the story.” Michelle Malkin went on the attack after reading the disgusting MSNBC Tweet:

“Counter the Left’s evil narrative. Use social media to expose & crush it. Flood @msnbc w/YOUR pics ==> #MyRightWingBiracialFamily”

And flood they did. And crush they did.

One black woman wrote, “I remember seeing a lot of posts from Black ppl upset at the commercial. I’m sure most of them were not conservatives.”

Then example after example along with pictures of mixed race families of conservatives came pouring in.

MSNBC retweeted and retreated:

  • Earlier, this account tweeted an offensive line about the new Cheerios ad. We deeply regret it. It does not reflect the position of msnbc.
  • We are deleting the earlier offensive tweet. It does not reflect msnbc’s position and we apologize.

We don’t need the GOP to fight our battles. We can do it ourselves. But we must fight back if we are going to win the ideological war.

None of this is to say that there aren’t racists and bigots who call themselves conservatives. But they are a minority that liberals want to turn into a majority. There are an equal number of racists who call themselves liberals. Liberal pundits refuse to talk about them.

Here’s the Cheerios commercial:

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