Michelle Obama Using the Government as Her Personal Food Police
First Ladies should be rarely seen and not often heard. First Ladies were not elected to office. Their pet projects are at our expense. If they want to go around the country as private citizens and help people, I don’t any problem with that. But please stop them from acting as acting as agents of the government.
Michelle Obama wants children to eat better. There is enough information available to make it happen. We don’t need her to impose her food views on the rest of us.
Instead, she has been involved in getting laws written to outlaw certain foods in government schools.
I’m sorry, but it’s none of her business or the business of the government. But wait. We’ve turned our children over to the educrats who teach nearly 95 percent of American school students in the ways of the welfare State.
Why is anybody surprised that the educrats would make laws about what children should eat?
We’re worried about being invaded by illegal immigrants and the effect they’ll have on future elections, but most Americans aren’t too concerned about how their children are being indoctrinated by the a State six hours every day, five days per week, 10″months each year for 12 years.
Don’t you find it interesting that liberals will pass laws allowing women kill their unborn babies based on the premise that a woman has a right to do what she wants with her body, but will then pass laws removing their freedom to eat what they want?
“At Chapman School in Nebraska, resourceful students hawk pizza and cookie dough to raise money for school supplies, field trips and an eighth-grade excursion to Washington. They peddle chocolate bars to help fund the yearbook.
“But the sales won’t be so sweet starting this fall. Campus bake sales—a mainstay of school fundraisers—are going on a diet. A federal law that aims to curb childhood obesity means that, in dozens of states, bake sales must adhere to nutrition requirements that could replace cupcakes and brownies with fruit cups and granola bars.
“The law also required the U.S. Department of Agriculture to set standards for all food and beverages sold during the school day, which includes vending machines, snack carts and daytime fundraisers. It allowed for “infrequent” fundraisers, and states were allowed to decide how many bake sales they would have that didn’t meet nutrition standards.”
Before a child is born, “it” can be sucked out, cut out, and pulled out of “its” mother’s womb via abortion, but once that children is born, he or she is the ward of the State and must do the State’s bidding.
Schools should get back to teaching the basics so students can read their own food labels and learn enough math count calories.
Fortunately some people are getting tired of Ms Michelle Busybody and are resisting:
“Michelle Obama has not had much success with her signature programs as First Lady. Recently, she was caught in lies about the supposed success of her fight against childhood obesity with the ‘Let’s Move’ program. But, her initial program, the ‘Healthy Lunches’ program has faced even greater resistance and, in some way, even less success.”
Michelle Obama says parents “‘are looking for help’ in making sure their children get balanced meals — and they ‘don’t want their efforts undermined when they send their kids off to school.'” If parents really want this, then they should do what my mother did. Send their children to school with packed lunches.