
Low or No Information College Students

You have to have some smarts to get into college, especially at the more competitive schools. George Washington University is considered an elite school.

Here are some admission statistics:

George Washington University’s average SAT scores fall between (out of 800 on each test):

  • Verbal: 600 and 690
  • Math: 610 and 700
  • Writing: 620 and 700


Book smarts do not always translate into world smarts. I suspect that most GWU students will vote for Democrats without really studying the issues. They know more about pop culture than whats happening with ISIS.

Granted, not all students would fail at a test on current events. But in the intrnet age, it’s hard not to know what’s going on. If the majority of students know of the nude photo scandal, it’s obvious that they are online.

The following is from Breitbart News (video follows).


Young America’s Foundation spokeswoman Ashley Pratte took to the George Washington University campus on Friday, September 5seeking to interview students about the upcoming anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

We asked the following questions to randomly selected students around the GWU campus:

  • Next week marks the anniversary of a major national event, do you know what that is?
  • Do you know what ISIS is?
  • Did you know that ISIS is responsible for the beheading of two American journalists? If so, could you name one?
  • Are you aware of the celebrity “nude photo” hacking scandal? If so, could you name any of the celebrities involved?

The results are stunning:

  • 6 out of 30 students recognized this week is the anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks.
  • 4 out of 30 students were able to name one of the American journalists beheaded at the hands of ISIS.
  • 29 out of 30 students were able to identify one or more celebrities involved in the nude photo hacking scandal.

The reason for conducting this video project was to bring awareness to our 9/11: Never Forget Project which is designed to remember those murdered at the hands of radical Islamists more than a decade ago. With radical Islam continuing to terrorize the world, it is crucial that our young people and our schools remember the American lives lost and understand the challenges we face today.

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